Iraq burning
In 2003 and after the regime fall we thought that the country is going to be a model for democracy and freedom for the Middle East however after more than 3 years Iraq is now burning and heading for a sectarian war.
We know that the Wahabi group of Al-Zarqawi threatened to create a civil war but not enough have been made to prevent and stop these groups which are funded and supported by the Arab Gulf states.
For the last few days hundred of Shiite families were expelled from their homes by Sunni pro-wahabi militia in Tarmyiah and Aboghareb which is extended into many areas today. Some of these families have been located in schools or with relatives in very in-humane situations and cold weather.
By the minutes we are writing this, tens of Shiite families in Al-nahrawan area calling the government to rescue them as they are surrounded by Sunni Wahabi terrorists and threatned to kill them. This is going on now until this moment.
Attacks against Shiite mosques continued including rocket attacks against the shrine of Imam Kadhem in Baghdad few hours ago. Earlier today a car bomb exploded near Shiite mosque and open market killed 30 and wounded 45.
Hundred of people were killed and wounded today in many car bombs in Baghdad. Many of them were children burned to death after the car bombs.
The security border forces arrested one Saudi terrorist near Mothana province after crossing the border from Saudi Arabia to support the Wahabi terrorist in Iraq.
Al-Arabiyah TV 3 days ago showed an interview with Kuwaiti wahabist long beard and Saudi red headed uniform who stated that his group alone recruited and sent none thousand from Arab states for Iraq and he will send more as well as financing them. The broadcaster asked him if he is afraid from his declaration and he said not! He was speaking from Kuwait!!
Without the positive interference of Ali Sistani to call for restrain it would have been a civil war long time ago.
Iraq is burning yet there is no government formed until now after the Dec 2005 election!
What kind of democracy are we having? Election and voting to be thrown in the garbage and let the people kill each others!
For those who won the election should immediately form a government or declare that they can't do so.
A rare interview with Abo-Hafsa Alansari
alarabi magazine (London) published an interview with Abohafsa claimed to be one of Zarqawi deputies.
He stated that their Qaeda group in Iraq has the ability to recruit into Iraq one million fighters. He explained that this number can be introduced from everywhere along the borders which are all open for them!
He told that they are very well funded financially from the oil Gulf States and their Arab big companies and investors which is another reason keeping their operation inside Iraq.
He claimed that they are controlling all Iraq and they got their courts, army and security system while the USA mercenaries are prisoners inside the green zone.
The aims, he stated, is to clean Iraq from the Shiites even if they are tens of millions as well as the non-Muslims including Christians and every one not compatible with their will. The ultimate aim is to convert Iraq as the base for their operations all over the world, he added.
One of the most important thing he mentioned is that Hareth Al-Thari the Chairman of Haiyat Ulma Almoslemen is one of their allies and his group the so called (Thorat Al-Eshreen group).
He confirmed that they used the chemical weapons against the US troops and they got tons of these as well as able to introduce millions of heavy and light weapons into Iraq.
One of their joys is to kill and behead the infidels (from vein to vein) as he described it!
We don't know where and when the interview occurred but as this terrorist pointed out to the fights in Anbar and claimed that the Anbar tribes are sided with them and not fighting them; it looks that the interview happened in the last few weeks.
Even though the statements looked exaggerated but the facts that we always pointed to about the support of the Arab Gulf States and their big investors and companies including Saudi Arabia is proved true. The other proven fact is the Syrian support to keep open borders and facilitating crossing the terrorists via its land. More over is the redundant borders and the involvement of Hareth Althari in the terrorism and his involvement in hostage taking for money.

Is Iraq on a civil war?
The present situation in Iraq could have been worse without the spiritual leadership of Ali Sistani. His restraining the Shiite from retaliation especially after the destruction of the Shrines in Samara played a great role in avoiding a large scale civil war. However the pro-wahabi terrorists supported by regional groups in Saudi Arabia continued to blow up Shrines belongs to Shiite Muslims. One of them was last night in Kurkuk and today one shrine attacked in Basrah and another one in Dora.
Last night 60 Shiite families were forced out of their homes in Tarmiyah and at least 60 were killed and wounded in a Shiite area after rocket attacks targeted their area today in Abodisher. Many other Shiite mosques were attacked in Diyala and Baghdad.
Civil war is going on now but on a scale less than that which was planned by the known and unknown groups and forces.
The responsibility for what is going on now is not only on Al-Qaeda and its supporters among some of the political parties but all the other parties bear responsibility because of their failure to form the government. The recent unprecedented and biased statements of the US ambassador in Baghdad (Z. K. Zada) were of great push for the terrorists to commit their acts. These statements were condemned by many Iraqi writers and Intelligent as they are based on a sectarian attitude. We feel that ZKZ is a better Ambassador in Kabul. Iraq needs a healer not a high commissioner.
What is needed now is a quick formation of the government and investigation about Samara Shrines to reveal those who committed it and the groups standing behind them as no one declared responsibility yet. Delaying formation of government is step towards civil war and more dangerous situation and it is what the terrorism pushing for.
Another crime on the face of the Wahabi terrorism
The barbaric and savage attack on the Shire of Imam Al-Hassan Al-Askari in Samara is a continuation of the barbarism of the Saudi Wahabi terrorism, which started such destruction against the entire ancient heritage.
The Shrine is more than a thousand years old and is an important historic site irrespective of who was buried there.
This barbaric act represent only the failure of the terrorists to achieve their goals and it may be one of their last cards against the Shia in Iraq.
Until now thousands of Shiites were killed and their shrines were destroyed since 2003 after the regime toppled. This is nothing but a racist act.
The Wahabism is the mastermind, which push the terrorism and hate in all the areas where there are terrorism.
In the 1920s the Saudi Wahabists supported at that time by the British forces established themselves in Najad and Hijaz and called it Saudi Arabia. They used to invade the Iraqi cities and killing even the fetuses inside the wombs by cutting the skin of the pregnant women.
In Afghanistan their actions after the USA helped them to gain power control is very well known. Its spread to the US itself is not dried up and still considering it as the biggest target with the use of WMD if they can next time. This is possibly a matter of time only.
If the terrorism has to stop and more serious consequences to be prevented then the root of terrorism have to come to an end. It is the Wahabi terrorism and the Wahabi doctrine, which is coming from Saudi Arabia.
The Saudi Arabia is indeed three lands; Najad, Hijaz and the Eastern part and what it should be now.
The American Ambassador in Baghdad
Z. K. Zada the US ambassador to Iraq is exceeding the limits of diplomacy and openly interfering in a way, which dictate his background of being a Sunni from Afghanistan origin.
It was much better for both Iraq and the US to have an American Ambassador like the previous one who knows the limits of diplomacy and neutral in relation to the sectarian differences in this country.
We know ZKZ is a friend of the Kurds and he is now openly dictating his own personal views in the shape and formation of the new government, which took very long time to be formed.
ZKZ expresses his dictations in away reflecting a man with occupational force and not an ambassador. This will send a different signal from what the US administration would like to achieve from the ordinary and intellectual Iraqi peoples. It will make the majority of the Iraqi people to question such dictation, which will lead to an anti-American feeling.
We think that it is the time for ZKZ to be replaced with another US ambassador who can be neutral and knows the limits of his diplomacy.
Iraqi government
The long-waited certified voting results will be announced tomorrow or Saturday.
The United Iraqi Coalition will then name its person for the position of the Prime Minister for the next 4 years. It is going to be Al-Jaffari or Abdulmahdi unless a major change happened.
The government then will be named and this is not going to be fully dependant on the ballot results but a national unity government. This will give some position to the other parties.
The delay in announcing certified results and formation of the government created many problems and complicated the security situation. However a national unity government will pull the carpet from underneath the feet of those who support the terrorist groups.
Indeed the western tribes had recently moved positively when some of them realized lately that these terrorist discriminated not between people.
The United Iraqi Coalition should act quickly to name its PM and swiftly to form a government.
The Story of Imam Hussein
Every year on the 10th of Muharam the Shia Muslims all over the world commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussein. The commemoration start from the first day and the peak reached on the 10th day. Today is the first day of Muharam.

Imam Hussein is the grand son of Prophet Mohammad from his daughter Fatima and his cousin and son in law Ali Bin Abi Talib. Prophet Mohammad used to call him and his brother Hassan as his beloved sons. He is the one who chose their names after they born. They grow in the environment of Bano Hashem, the tribe of Mohammad and Ali. Unlike Bano Omaiyah, Bano Hashem rejects corruption, oppression and racial discrimination. Bano Omaiyah considers themselves above the others and the Arabs above the non Arabs. This discrimination reached its peak during the reign of Maawiyah Bin Abo Sofiyan and his son Yazid in Damascus in Syria. One of the major causes for Imam Hussein to reject the leadership of Maawiyah and Yazid is because of their corruption, oppression, slavery and injustice.
It is very difficult to elaborate about the history in details but will try to write very briefly about the main points.
After the death of Prophet Mohammad and before his burial a new era of struggle for power started. Al Insars who were the inhabitants of Madinah gathered in a place called Saqefat Bani Saiedah which is their community meeting place and selected among them Saad Bin Uobadah to be the leader. The Mohajreen who migrated with Prophet Mohammad the tribe of Koriesh heard this. They left the body of the Prophet and want to the same place. The two sides clashed and argued about who should be the leader. The scene was chaotic with threats from both sides. Ali and the family of Prophet haven't attended and have been ignored. Ali was adopted by Mohammad when he was a boy to help his uncle Abi Talib during economical crises. He was the son in law of the Prophet, his cousin, and brother by choice and the first one to embrace Islam after the prophet and his deputy at least according to many Muslims at that time. Ali was poor and he was disliked by the rich aristocrats of Qurishis.
The meeting resulted in taking allegiance to Abo Baker who was one of the Immigrants to Madenah. Some Muslims rejected and some asked to wait until Ali and the prophet kinsmen finished from his burial but the matter moved forward by some. That was a breakthrough point in the history of division in Islam.Soon after this many Muslims refused to pay charity to Abo Baker and that was suppressed by force led by Khaled Bin Alwaled who killed the leader of the region Malek Bin Nowerah and married his beautiful wife on the same day!
Ali (the father of Hussein) hasn't submitted his allegiance until the death of Fatima 6 months later. At this time the power established well in the hands of Abo Baker and Omar and have he not doing so he may have been killed. Abo baker and Omar used Ali as a consultant for them. During the reign of Othman who is from Bano Omayiah there were a lot of unrest in Egypt and Iraq and other parts due to the oppressive and unjust behaviours of the local leaders. Othman appointed leaders among his family and some of them are arrogant to the people. The unrest resulted in surrounding Othman house and Ali tried to stop things but was unable so the revolted people killed Othman. This was a major point in the history of Islam. Here the division started to take a different shape.
Now Ali has been selected by the people to lead and he refused initially but the revolted people and others convinced him that they need his leadership now! He accepted but Muawyaih in Damascus who was the cousin of Othman refused that and entered into many wars with Ali. After the death of Ali (killed during prayer in Kuffa mosque), Maawiyah signed agreement with Ali's eldest Son Hassan to stop blood shade and the power will go to Al Hassan after him but Maawiyah killed Al Hassan by putting poison in his honey. He then forced every one to give allegiance to his son Yazid after him. After his death Yazid sent for Madenah to ask the people to recognize him as the leader. He instructed his army if any one refused to give allegiance to be killed and named Al Hussein as one of the most important people to start with.
Yazid was arrogant, oppressive, and unjust man. His messenger to Al Hussein in the governor of Al Madenah HQ asked Al Hussein after summoning him to submit his will to Yazid. Imam Hussein knew if he does so it means the end of the moral aspects in the religion and the acceptance of the slavery dictatorship of Yazid. He refused and asked the messenger to wait for a while. Imam Hussein then decided to leave with his family (wife, children, brothers and some others) to Iraq because he knew Yazid already planned to assassinate him. He took his family because if he leaves them Yazid will take them as captives. The followers of his father and grand father in Iraq have written to him before to go there and provide him with protection. He then made his mind and went from Madenah to Makkah then across the desert towards Kuffa.
Road To Kuffa
Yazid arranged a huge army of 33,000 men very well equipped and appointed Oubiad Alla Bi Ziad as the governor of Kuffa. Bin Ziad was a known person for his arrogance, un-mercifulness, oppression, and every thing inhuman. He was governor on Basrah. Since his arrival to Kuffa worked in two ways, threat and killing and buying the people with money. He captured the messenger of Imam Hussein and his cousin Muslim Bin Akeel; beating him and throws him from the roof of the palace then crucified him with Hani Bin Urowa his hostess.
Yazid sent his strongest army while Bin Ziad sent an army to surround Imam Hussein and his family and prevent them from changing their direction until Yazid army arrives. Imam Hussein have just over 100 with him most of them among his family.They forced Imam Hussein and his family (the family of Prophet Mohammad) to retreat to Kerbala. Kerbala is two phrases word; ker means anguish and bala means vexation.
Imam Hussein debated with them that they are themselves send for him to come and tried to convince them that they are in actual fact surrounding the women and children of their Prophet but they refused to let him to go. They said that he has to submit completely his will to Bin Ziad and then Yazid or he will face his fate. He showed them more than 500 letters that they sent but they denied it!After a long journey through the desert his children were thirsty as well as the women and the men. They prevent him from the Euphrates water. He got a 6 months old baby who was crying aggressively for water and he took him to the army asking for water just for this baby, instead they throw the baby with a dart which strike him on his neck and killed him instantly. Imam Hussein then took the blood of his baby in his hand and throw it to heaven asking God to witness what these people done to a baby belong to the family of their prophet.
On the 10th of Muharam around midday Yazid army attacked Imam Hussein camp. Imam Hussein first advised them saying that we are until now one nation but if the sword happened between us then we became two nations; you are one and we are different. From that time the practical division between Shias and Sunni manifest itself very clearly and widely. Shia means the supporters or followers of, and here it means the supporters of Ali and Ahil Al Biat which means the family of the Prophet Mohammad.
The night before the war Imam Hussein gathered his family and followers and told them that the army want him himself and so he told them you are free to go while it is dark but all of them refused. One of those who fought with him was a Christian young man called John.
In few hours they killed every one and when Imam Hussein remained alone he asked loudly if there is any one protects the family of the messenger of God! They attacked him and then racked him with the feet of their horses when he tumbled. They then cut his head and the heads of his brothers and followers and raise them on spears.After this they attacked the women and put the tents in fire. The children escaped in all directions and the women tried to protect them. They beaten the children and women by the whips and ripped off their belonging. Then they took them as captives!!! Children and women!! Among them was Zainab the sister of Imam Hussein who witnessed the massacre of her sons, brothers, nephews and other relatives in the bloodiest way of barbaric killing.
Bin Ziad looked to the head of Imam Hussein and start to strike his mouth with a cane, feeling the joy and happiness filling his sadistic inhuman personality. He then turned to humiliate the women of the family of Prophet Mohammad. Zainab then delivered a strong speech describing the magnitude of their crime. Bin Ziad ordered his guards to kill Ali the son of Hussein who was a young boy and haven't joined the battle because he was ill. Zainab throw her self over the boy and said if you want to kill him you have to kill me first before him. Bin Ziad withdraws his devilish wish after Zainab insistence.
The army then took the women and children on a camel caravan to Damascus. They passed many cities and villages. They told the people that those women and children are among foreigners who were out law and refused to submit to the Caliph Yazid. Fear and Terror producing strategy exactly like Saddam. They haven't told the truth that they are the prophet's family to prevent revolt.
Before they arrive to Damascus there was a Priest in his remote chapel he spotted the caravan from a distance and saw a light shining from the head of Hussein up to the sky. The Priest stopped them and asked them who is that head for? They refused to tell him. After he gave them money they told him that the head belongs to Al Hussein the son of Fatima the daughter of Prophet Mohammad. He got some money with him and asked them to take it and let the head with him for a while. They took the money and gave him the head. The Priest washed it and heard recitation of the holly Quran coming from the head!
In Damascus Yazid put them chained in a ruin before depart them to Madenah. Many of the children died from starvation, diseases and beating during this long journey. The little daughter of Imam Hussein while in the abandond ruin in Damascus start to cry and insisted to see her father. Zainab tried to please her but she never stopped crying. Then they brought the head and told her this is your father. She hugged the head and took a deep sigh and passed.
Imam Hussein remembered as a symbol of freedom and dignity against tyrant and slavery. Hussein never bowed to tyrant and oppressive regime of Yazid. This is why the similar tyrant like Saddam prevents the commemoration because of its symbolic state which rejects not only Yazid but every tyrant in history like Saddam. Ghandi the strongman of India said (I learnt from Hussein how I be tyrannized and achieve victory!). A woman who was mourning in Muharam has been asked about it. She said to mourn for a beloved one is a personal thing which will fade with time but to mourn for Imam Hussein is to mourn for the mankind which will never fade as far as there is tyranny and oppression and slavery.Imam Hussein said; dignified death is better than humiliating life.
Many intellectuals wrote about Imam Hussein. Gerhard Konsilman a German journalist said that Yazid used to despise the people, salving and oppressing them and irresponsible sinful person. Imam Hussein by his realistic personality and death defeated the tyrant. His revolt was the ignition for the end of Umayyad density. Konsilman added that the dead Hussein was more dangerous on Yazid than the live Hussein. The martyrdom of Hussein in Kerbala remained the symbol for freedom, dignity and rejection of the tyrants.
There are some similarities between Jesus Christ and Hussein in that both of them rejected tyrant and wrongful and gave themselves in the way of freedom, salvation, dignity and righteous aspect of life. Their path is one and their salvation is by following their path of peace and justice. Before them Moses and Aaron defied the tyranny of Pharaoh and Aaron was deemed weak by his own people when Moses left to receive the Ten Commandments.
Al Hussein will remain as a revolution against all tyrants and oppressors. He will continue as a symbol for dignity and freedom for all the mankind and not only the Shias Muslims.
The limits of personal freedom and the Danish Cartoonist
By law there are limits for every one's freedom. One of these limits is to avoid inflicting harm or insults in the other's self, belief or properties. No single law allows misusing the freedom to insult the others or their symbolism.
On the other hand the law means not to use insults to correct the mistakes of the others, even though, the people used such things.
The recent use of Caricature by a Danish newspaper to insult the person of Prophet Mohammad is an irresponsible act. The person who did these cartoons is possibly trying to condemn terrorism which is the act of devious and criminal groups. He was therefore wrong to use the image of Prophet Mohammad as it is not represented by such deviant groups.
Prophet Mohammad was himself a victim of the terrorism several times through out his moral mission. His grandson Imam Hussein and his family including the children and women were executed by the most arrogant acts of treason and the state terrorism. Imam Hussein was killed and his head rose on a lance in front of his children and family from Kufa in Iraq to Damascus in Syria. This kind of terrorism perpetrated against the Prophet family and continued by the deviant groups until now.
The Cartoon images could have been better drawn to represent the leaders of the known terrorists at present or the deviant doctrines and not the Prophet of Islam which is clear from such acts.
On the other hand we are not with those who protested against the cartoon by destroying and burring Embassies or threatening to kill the innocent people or who may act in future by terrorist attacks. Indeed those who draw such pictures gave a very good excuse to the terrorist groups to get support for their causes.