Bism Allah Alrahman Alrahem

 Why Weapon of Mass Destruction still exist in Iraq?



The US-UK (George Bush – Tony Blair) invasion of Iraq in 2003 was based on a big lie of weapon of mass destruction (WOMD) despite of many years of inspections following 1991 war against Iraq.   In fact, the WOMD still exist in Iraq, however, it is not the one that they accused Saddam Hussein to have but it is the one that the US invasion brought to Iraq.  


The WOMD is the 1991 war against Iraq in which at least half a million Iraq civilians were killed and all the Iraqi infrastructures were destroyed.   The WOMD is the depleted uranium DU that the USA used in 1991 and the resultant cancers and genetic malformations.   The WOMD is the many years of sanctions leaving the cancer patients due to the use of DU dying and to kill in that alone 1 million Iraq children.   The WOMD is Alaamiryah Bunker where hundreds of children, women, old people killed by the USA air strike to the bunker in 1991.   The WOMD is the Abo Ghareb US soldiers crimes.   The WOMD is the rapes, killings, and handing Iraq on a golden plate to Iran.   The WOMD is creating a sectarian based pro-Iranian regime full of corruptions that destroyed the social integrity of Iraq.   The WOMD is ISIS which made by the USA.   The WOMD is the destruction of our country and imposing a corrupt regime since 2003 war.  Look to Afghanistan it was similar to Iraq when the US was still there, and now the Taliban government making massive development by building Afghanistan with large projects and total eradication of corruptions.   


In conclusion the WOMD brought by the US invasion is still in Iraq and will not go until US leave Iraq and the Iranian invasion too.  In fact, the WOMD will be soon appear in Iran.   

 The American Terrors in Abo Gharib prison:  Crimes not to be forgotten


One example of the American crimes committed in Iraq was what happened in Abo Gharib prison.    Not to forget other wars (1991 and 2003), sanctions, and Alamriayh Refuge crime etc.   


Different kind of torture and humiliations were used against the Iraqi detainees such as breaking chemical lights and pouring the phosphoric liquid on detainees; pouring cold water on naked detainees; beating detainees with a broom handle and a chair; threatening male detainees with rape; allowing a military police guard to stitch the wound of a detainee who was injured after being slammed against the wall in his cell; sodomizing a detainee with a chemical light and perhaps a broom stick, and using military working dogs to frighten and intimidate detainees with threats of attack, and in one instance actually biting a detainee.  Also used rapes of women and men in front of their relatives and swearing against their religions including the Quran and prophet Mohammad and forcing them to drink alcohol and eat pork meat.  


The following video showed only part of the crimes which were not punished as it deserves.  We will not forget.



                    الشمس شمسي والعراق عراقي 

الشمس شمسي والعـراق عراقي.......... ما غيّر الدخلاء من أخلاقي

داس الزمان على جميع مشاعري......... فـتفجر الإبداع من أعماقي

أجريت في الصخر العقـيم جداولا...... وحملت نور الله في أحداقي

أنا منذ فجر الأرض ألبس خوذتي....... ووصية الفقراء فوق نطاقي

قـدري بأن كل الحروب تجيـئني...... مجنونة تسعى لشـد وثاقي

فمن السيوف الى الرصاص مدائني ....ذابت من الإحراق والإغراق

ومن الشموع الى الدموع حبـيبتي.........محفوفة بخناجـر السـرّاق

وأنا الجـميل السـومري البـابلي...........كانت يدي قيـثارة العشـاق

ملأت فضاءات الوجـود قصـائدي......حتى كأن الشعر صوت عراقي

وتحـالفت كـل العـصور لمقـتلي.......فأغضتها بتمـاسكي الخـلاق

وتـذمرت وإستـأسدت وتفرعـنت.......فحملتها جبـلا على الأعـناق

اسمع صهبل الحـزن بين مفاصلي......أضحى صديقي..كنيتي..ميثاقي

هـربت طيوري حين ضاع أمانها..........فـكأنـني شجــر بلا أوراق

لكـنما هـمس العراق بمـسمـعي......يفنى الأسى وجبين عزك باقي

الشـمس شمسي والعـراق عراقي........ما غيـر الدخلاء من أخـلاقي

الشاعر المرحوم  كريم العراقي    


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