Bism Allah Alrahman Alrahem

Islam and the Holy Quran is the solutions and salvation for the world problems

The Western world systems particularly the Capitalism are leading you into wrong materialistic life without moral values.   In fact, they turn the moral values upside down making the wrong as right and vice versa.  They turn the people into slaves to their desires and the materialistic world.   We are living in a new slavery world that is their New World Order.  In the past they impose the slavery by force while now they lead you to go for the new slavery by your choice or without knowing it.   You become slaves for your work, your clothes, your mobile, your everything in your life even how you sleep, eat, socialize, travel, and all what you do and think.   They mislead and deceive you and creating wars in your name while you pay for these wars to kill other people who are thousands of miles away from you.   They lie to do these wars and again all are done in your names.   They move you like a piece of Chess day and night and make you solider to kill or be killed no matter where in Iraq or Afghanistan or Syria or somewhere else.  


Let them lies and do wars and make order of slavery, let them turn values wrong right and right wrong, however, not for long.   One day the people will wake up and will questions them and question the systems that destroyed their life and turn them into just chess tools and make them slaves by lies and deceptions.   That day is not far and many people already started to questions the wrongs because the wrongs is wrong whatever you do to turn it otherwise.     The people will then turn to ask about what is the best system to get solution and salvation from all the problem created by the capitalism and its leaders. 

No single doubt they will find that in Islam and the holy Quran and that will provide solutions for all the problems and protect your dignity and offer the best not only in this life but make your hereafter in the paradise.   So now you know why they don’t want you to know anything about Islam and why they distorted its image.   They tell you Islam is terrorism and not suitable for the life now because they wanted to serve their agenda in controlling you and they know that the only values make you free dignified and respected individual is Islam.   That is why they lie about Islam and they fear it.   This is why they allow and protect those who burn the holy Quran like what happened last in Sweden and Denmark and in France before and creating and arming groups like ISIS and Al-Qaida to kill in the name of Islam.   Islam is mercy and from its name peace and higher values that were revealed to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).   Islam will provide solutions for all the problems facing the world now and then.   One day the people in the Western countries will discover this absolute fact and turn into Islam and ultimately Islam will role the world and the people will turn to it by choice and this day will come as we have been told by Allah that Allah will make it to come sooner or later.   


Allah in the holy Quran 9:33 said:   It is He who has sent forth His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to uplift it above every religion, no matter how much the idolaters (the disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah) hate it.

 هُوَ الَّذِي أَرْسَلَ رَسُولَهُ بِالْهُدَى وَدِينِ الْحَقِّ لِيُظْهِرَهُ عَلَى الدِّينِ كُلِّهِ وَلَوْ كَرِهَ الْمُشْرِكُونَ 

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