Can the war in Syria lead to regional or world war?
Irrespective of the real cause of the Turkish fighters shooting down the Russian air-fighter and whether it happened inside or outside the Turkish airspace; there should be an investigation.
If this shooting was happened more than 50 years ago it could have been led to regional or even world war. Next world war (supposed to be the third) is only a matter of time to happen but the people learnt a lesson that wars can only damaged both the losers and the winners. It is therefore will not happen easily and only those who are too fool enough to make war on their lands.

In fact war in Syria is a small scale world war happening on behalf of different powers on the Syrian soil. Russia entered the war against the terrorists strongly and will not leave it easily at all. There are only two options for Russia is either to emerge as victorious or as a looser. If she loose it will never again have the same interests to only in the middle east but everywhere else. From this we know that the shooting of its airplane fighter and the killing of one of its pilot while he was alive on the ground by the Turkish supported rebels is a serious issue as President Putin said. It is the first accident of its kind since the WW-II! Alone might not lead to a wide spread war but it is certainly increased the tension and any other incident will make that kind of war more looming. The other certain outcome is it served the interests of the Daiesh (ISIL).
On the other hands the Turkish air fighters so frequently infringe the boarder over Iraq and attacks the villages of the Kurdish citizens inside Iraq. It is therefore the rights of these people to shoot down the Turkish fighters too. In fact the Iraqi government should make mutual pact with Russia for protecting the Iraqi airspace and buy from them missiles for that aim. Turkey is having problems with most of its neighbors include Syria, Iraq, Iran, Arminia and others. It is playing with fire by many actions to support the ISIL, smuggle weapons, smuggling the oil from Iraq and Syria and all that help in terrorism and attacks happened last in France.
Raja Tayeb Erdogan dreaming and behaving like he is the Othman Emperor so he will lead Turkey into grave consequences.
Tension in the world damages the prosperity and resources

At least for the last twenty years escalating tension of terrorism happens everywhere with waxing and weaning periods. Attacks due to this happened almost suddenly and all kinds of measures may not able to prevent them. There is no one immune even those who support it.
Until now only conventional ways used in the attacks but that doesn't mean that in future it would not happen to use mass destruction weapons. These may include biological, chemical and even nuclear weapons. It may be a matter of time before we see such kinds of attacks.
Unfortunately the world and despite of the recent attacks since 2001 is not yet united in making active and effective measures to abolish terrors. In fact quite few states play double standard and yet others support the terrorist groups for their own agenda.
Now the tension intensified after the last few weeks of spread of attacks. These attacks never stopped in Baghdad and Syria but it start to get spread and the danger is still looming and increasing.
The solution is not to wait to react because this is what these groups want the others to do. Simply to react in fear and terror. The solution is to stop it by using effective measures including against the countries that support it.
Terrorism have nothing to do with Islam as a religion but it is related to some Muslims who have wrong ideology about all religions. It can not go parallel with people peace and prosperity. The more terrorism exist the more it threaten the world peace and the less development and prosperity for mankind.
To have good life all people need to live in peace and harmony which leads to progression and development. Anything opposite to that will lead to decline in the quality of life for everyone but the few who feed the terrorist groups with weapons and dumb their garbage in them!
The Muslims are the
most affected people by the terrorist attacks
Attacks in Baghdad are daily scenes
There are a lot of
doubts surrounding the war against terrorism which leads us to ask the
question, who are behind terrorist attacks and what are their real intentions?
If the world is genuine
in its war against terrorism, why then they not wage a real war rather than a
kind of knee jerks and sort of propaganda following these attacks in the West
while ignoring the suffering of the others such as in Iraq?
Real war against
terrorism is to prevent it with preemptive measures. When some one gets an infection should be treated
by medicine which get rids of the cause and not to treat the symptoms only. The same thing applies for the terrorism, by
cutting and drying its routes. This
means its ideology, states which enforce it, media that try to legalize or
support it, those who arm it, those who finance it, and the areas that incubate
it including the war zones.
What the world is
doing about terrorism is trying to treat its symptoms while leaving the cause
intact. You cannot dry a bad plant by
trimming its top leafs while leaving the route intact and its branches grow all
the directions. This is exactly what
happened for the last two decades. The
question is, could those who told the people that they do war against terrorism
are in fact playing double standard by supporting the terrorists in one hand
and trying to make the others to believe that they fight it with the other hand?
Islam as a religion
is completely against war and from its name it means peace, however as there
are fundamentalists and terrorists everywhere in the history of all religions, ideologies,
imperialism, occupations, there are such people within the Muslims who do not
follow the real peace principle of Islam.
The majority of Muslims are peace loving people and they denies any
killing against people who are not in direct war with them. It is in the Holy Quran that a killing of one
soul (any human soul) is as if killing the mankind.
In fact the Muslims
are the main people affected by the terrorists as many example occurring in
Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Beirut, and other countries. Daily in Iraq there are many people killed by
bombs, explosives, rockets, cars, and gun shootings since 2003. The Iraqis are fighting the Daiesh (ISIS) groups,
which occupied one third of their country since 2014. Everyone know who created Daiesh (ISIS) and who support them and why?
Airstrike is not
effective way and will not stop the terrorists but will make them more
determined to stay and use different means to perpetrate their attacks
next. President Putin declared similar statement
lately. Route drying of the states,
media, arms, finance and supports to those who are fighting them on the ground
in Iraq and Syria and others are the solution.
The recent UN resolution addressed these issues but on broad terms that
left it for interpretations. A real
resolution should specify the effective measures and make it mandatory rather
than leaving it for interpretations. It
is weak approach.
In short: the Muslims
are the most affected people by the terrorists and not the opposite. They suffering in their countries between
death and refugees and in the West by pointing unfairly and unjustly towards
them where most of them are sharing the building and the development of the Western
countries include the USA, as positive and active citizens like any one else
with peace, tax-paying, businesses, and playing active parts in all kind of services
and societies.
The attacks which
happen in the West such as France are nothing but drop in the ocean of the
suffering of the Iraqis for the last ten years especially since 2014. There are daily bloodshed, killing, and Iraqi
soldiers killed in their daily fight against the same terrorists groups who did
Paris bombs for the last years.
Those who are saying
as far as the war is not in our land, away from us in Iraq or Syria we are
safe; they are wrong and short-sighted.
The lesson is clear and the right way to get rid of the bite is even
more clear but it is up to the whole world to unite and find where and how to
end this terrorism.
The Russian airplane crashed by a bomb
Russia security
services declared that the cause of the crash of its Airbus airplane and the
death of all passengers (224 people) was due to an improvised bomb.
It is therefore
proved that Daiesh (ISIS) is the cause, however it is yet to clarify how it
happened and if there is any link with the airport security in Sharm-el-skeikh
The world is heading
towards huge disaster bigger than the 11/9 in NY and than any other
President Putin
already used iron fist against the terrorists and the world IS looking to see
what he is going to do in response to the attacked civilian airplane.
In fact the previous
events in the last few months indicating clearly that the international action against
the terrorism has failed. This is due
to many factors one of them is the failure of the administrative and strategic plans
of the US government under president Barak Obama.
There should be a
quick and clear plan to stop the war in Syria and to eliminate Daiesh from that
region include Iraq.
Instability in Middle
East will make easy sanctuaries for the terrorists who will threat the whole
Paris attacks is the
beginning if the western support for Daiesh continued
We condemn the
attacks on the French Capital Paris and consider this as an act of terrorism
and crimes against innocent citizens who showed no act of war against
It is wrong to kill
innocent citizens not only in Paris but also anywhere in the world.
Not only the killing
considered as an act of barbarism and terrorism but also to support those who
are perpetrating such action is an act similar to their crime if not more.
Daiesh is not an
Islamic State and they are no way representing Islam but themselves and the
countries and organizations supporting them.
Daiesh was created
and supported by the West and the US including the French government that provided
them with support against the regime of Syria for political and regional
Thousands of innocent citizens
as a result of that were killed in Syria in addition to the destruction of the
country rendering its own citizens refugees or waiting their fate to die. Similar things are happening in Iraq and
other countries such as Yemen and recently
in Lebanon.
These attacks could
have been worse if WMD were used.
Large-scale attacks are not far anywhere as far as there are countries
providing the terrorists with all kind of supports. It is only a matter of time to see where it
is going to happen next with much larger scale that may be very dangerous.
The only solution is
to find a political solution in Syria and the whole world should unite together
to end Daesh (ISIS) or the (non-IS) both in Syria and Iraq. Not only that but to end the war in
Yemen and
Libya as the terrorist groups will get sanctuary in the areas of war and
The Air strikes
though good but not enough and it is nothing but propaganda for the government
who failed to find solution on the ground.
We are not supporting
any dictatorship regime but cooperation with the Syrian regime for political
solution and to end the war is very important and more important than the air
strikes to put an end as soon as possible to the war before much larger attacks
happen in Paris again or in other cities and no one immune at all.
Prepare for the worst
or end the sources of terrorism soon!