Eid means celebrating with happiness an occasion which is
usually in Islam after performing a religious duty in a form of worship for
Allah the creator of everything. There
are mainly two Eids one after the end of Ramadan (the month of fasting) and the
other Eid is after performing the Haj (pilgrimage to Mecca).
The Muslims follow the straight path of Islam which is the
religion of all the Prophets in their worship to Allah the Lord of the universe. Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him and his
special family) completed the religion as the master and the seal of all the
prophets. We said the religion and not
religions because the religion is one since Adam and that is Islam (submission
to Allah).
The reward for Fasting Ramadan is given by Allah on the Day
of Judgment. Everyone have to know that
this life which is so short is just an examination followed by the real and
lasting forever life. Those who fail
(most people) will go to the Fire Hell to dwell forever and those who pass (few
people) will go to Paradise. No one by
his or her action alone will be able to go to Paradise. They all need the mediation (Shaffaa) of
Prophet Mohammad and his blood related relative who followed his path (Fatima,
Ali, Hassan, Hussein and the Imams from the progeny of Hussein) peace be up on
them all. After Islam came in its
declared form by Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) anyone whatsoever follows religion
other than Islam will not be accepted from him or her and will certainly fail
in that Day. Before Islam it was those who followed the
path of the Prophets such as Jesus, Moses, Ibraham, Noah, Adam and the others
in their regions (PBU- Them all) will be considered as Muslims and those who
are against the prophets in their regions and time will be infidels and among
the failures.
If you cannot tolerate the heat of the mild fire (matchstick)
or even the strong sun in this life how can you tolerate the fire which comes
from the punishment of Allah?! It is
therefore your choice to save yourself from the wrath of Allah at that Day by embarrassing
Islam. If you do so then all your sins
before Islam will be deleted as if you born again. The aim of this life is to worship Allah
while the reward is the next life. Also
Islam will protect your body, soul, mind, family, society, and everything. Worship is not prayer and fasting only but
all your good deed will be recorded however if you are not Muslim your good
deed may give you good in this life but will never count for you in the
Hereafter. I highly advise you for you
protection and salvation to come to Islam.
Most important is not to judge Islam from what Muslims may do or
practice or what other media and people say about it but what is Islam in its
real form. For that you have to read
with an open mind especially the Holy Quran.
The absolute truth is one and you have to search for it and it is the
duty of everyone to do so because Allah created us to search for the truth and
so as to worship Him.
If you are not yet Muslim you may be so in the near future
and therefore you may fast Ramadan for the next year and then you will feel
what I mean especially the happiness of the Eid inside your body and soul.
A Cry from the Muslims of Mynamar
The Muslims of Burma (Mynamar) are suffering ethnic
cleansing in Burma. They have been
exposed over the last few weeks into mass killing without discrimination
between young children, women, men and elderly for nothing but just because of
their believes and religion.
The Muslims of Burma used to live in their own independent state
called Arakan before the invasion by the regime of Burma and affiliation of that
state. After that the Muslims were
treated as foreigners despite them are the original citizen of their land. The Burma regime tried to expel them to any
state else by different kinds of oppressions and prosecutions over many years. Recently over the last few weeks the Buddhists
militias supported by the regime of Burma killed thousands of the Muslims there
and many hundreds of them fled to nearby countries such as Bangladesh and Thailand.

The massacres against Burma Muslims by the Buddhists still
continued till this moment. The Muslims
in that country represent at least 15% of the population which is 55 million. Burma is an agricultural country and recently
they discovered oil and gas reserves by Chinese companies. In 1937 Burma separated from India then in 1948
had independence from the British occupation. The Muslims state called Arakan was governed since
834 AC by 48 Muslim Kings continually. Then
Arakan was occupied by the Buddhists in 1784 until 1824 after the occupation by
British. In 1942 the Buddhist militias
supported by arms from the British occupiers killed 100,000 Muslims and
destroyed many mosques and heritages. From
that time until recent massacres the oppressions continued against the Burma
Muslims. In 1978 500,000 Muslims were
expelled and many thousands killed.
According to the Refugees Relive Agency of the UN more than 40,000 Muslims
have been killed over the last few days.

The Muslims of Burma had no simple rights in anything of the
basic life at all even including travel, jobs, selling, buying, marrying,
having guests, going to universities, schooling, and so on and so forth to
point that the rights given to the animals are much more than to these people.
We call all the people who respect the human rights and
respect their fellow human being to condemn and write to their representatives
such as MPs or other to help to stop the massacres against the Muslims of
Sorry for those who do not like these pictures but these are
real massacres happening by the hands of Buddhists against Muslims in Burma
So that we will not forget
The crimes committed by America and its supporters especially
Britain in Iraq since 1991 will never be forgotten. The blood stained hands of the US and the
others will be recorded and entered in the black aspect of the history. By sure if anyone forget but Allah will never
ever forget and He will prepare huge punishment for those devils, killers,
criminals and hypocrites who committed crimes against humanity anywhere especially
in Iraq. We said especially in Iraq
because God (Allah) made the Iraqis to create the first civilization for the
world. They taught the world how to read
and write and gave them the first law and the first planning in everything. From that land the Mesopotamia emerged most
of the religions and prophets. The south
of Iraq (Ur) was the origin of prophet Ibrahim who is the father of most of the
other prophets including their master and the last one Prophet Mohammad (Allah
blessed him and his chosen relatives).
America in 1991 war used depleted uranium and killed many
thousands of Iraqis in addition to destroying the country infrastructures. The consequences of that war are still
affecting badly especially the effects of the depleted uranium which increased
the cancer and congenital deformities rates.
The 1991 war and its related crimes followed by one of the
most barbaric and inhumane sanction on the Iraqis which killed at least one
million Iraq children. The sanction was
a tool of mass destruction weapon which terrorised the Iraqis and therefore it
is a kind of terror used by the USA to kill damage and destroy. We will never forget that sanction and those
who implement it. We will continue to
pray to Allah to send His wrath in this life and in the hereafter on anyone who
support by any kind at all this sanction.
Not only us but the souls of the Iraqi children killed in that sanction
will never rest until Allah send his wrath and punishment on those who created
and applied it.
We see the West and on the top of it America as criminals,
killers, terrorists, and they will face harsh judgment and punishment by Allah
on the Day where there will be no escape and no judge but Allah. When we say
the West we do not mean the people as a whole because in them there are those
who do not support their government to go and kill or invade the others. In simple words the imperialism.
It is between every person and the time he or she stands in
front of Allah is the time he or she lives.
After death the time will pass as zero like sleep then Allah will
resurrect them. There will be two
choices Fire and Paradise to dwell forever.
There will be no more choices and no more time because the time of
examination finished. Everyone will be
responsible for his or her deeds and it is so wrong to say that Jesus Christ (Peace
be up on him) or anyone else will carry the sins of others. This is completely wrong. In this era the only accepted religion is
Islam because Jesus himself was a Muslim as well as all other prophets
including Moses, Jacob, Noah, and Ibrahim and others were all Muslims. If you wish to know how and why then read the
Holy Quran and you will see.
We therefore send you this warning that if you wants to save
yourself from the Fire Hell you have to follow the path of Allah which is Islam. May Allah witness that we delivered his
The Syrian revolution hijacked with killing and destruction
The people uprising in Syria started just over a year ago as
a real revolution at the beginning.
However it was gradually started to deviate from its popular course
until it was fully hijacked by regional and international countries, groups,
terrorists, and so on. The interference is
not hidden or secret. It is clear that
Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, America, Britain, Al-Qaeda, and others are
supporting the oppositions to the Syrian regime. After its deviation the revolt became a sort
of different factions fighting a regime and each one of these faction got aims
different from the others. There are
many reports (the iceberg) indicating the atrocities and killings which was
practiced by the opposition fighters and groups. Despite of these atrocities the mentioned
above countries increased their support to inflame the fighting, the killing
and the destruction of this country falsely in the name of democracy. Democracy is not killing, terrorism and
destruction. In fact today remind us
about yesterday when America supported (in fact created) the Taliban to topple
the Afghanistan regime of Mohammed Najeeb Allah then they became the foe number
one for each other. The question is how
a country like the USA and the UK claim to be the protectors of democracy and
freedom yet they support and inflame killing in such way in Syria while supporting
in Bahrain a regime suppressed the peaceful revolt their?! It is either they support this which put them
in a position completely opposite to what they claim or they are short-sighted
not knowing the exact facts and this is even much worse.
America failed in Iraq and paid very heavy price and they
failed in Afghanistan while trying to negotiate with Taliban now. America got force but no brain and they
damaged the economy of the world by their wars from 1990s till now. The money which was burnt in these war could
have been saved for the benefit of their people who paid most of the taxes and ultimately
for the benefits of the financial aspects everywhere. They used the tax payers’ money to kill and
destroy. In the West there is no real democracy
but elected dictatorships. The people in
the West rejected the capitalism which makes them like machines working and
paying tax which is used for reasons most of them they strongly disagree
with. It seems to be that we are on the verge
of seeing Western spring calling for real democracy and not elected dictatorships
in the West so soon.
Syria destroyed and its people killed on a daily basis for
aims which are far from democracy and freedom.
That aim was may be at the beginning but now it is deviated. Every honest and right person should call for
stopping killing in Syria and stop destroying that country and leave the Syrian
people to have a dialogue and reach into peaceful solution for future transfer
of power and democracy without outside interference.
Lastly why America and Britain support such chaos and
killing in Syria while they support suppressing the uprising in Bahrain despite
it was peaceful uprising?
It seems to be the people in the West need to have their own
uprising and spring to change the elected dictatorships and having new more
free and democratic system and not only 2 parties one going from the window and
the other entering from the door and so on and so forth. We have no doubt that all the current events
and the deviation of the people from the moral values will make Allah to plan
the coming of Imam Al Mahdi (peace be up on him) hopefully soon to put an end
to all the atrocities, mischiefs, tyrannies and so on in the world. He is the saviour that all the oppressed,
poor, traumatised, and fair people awaiting him and his call which will come
from heaven. We pray to Allah to make this day to be so
soon. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said if
there is one day left from this world Allah will prolong it to allow the coming
of Imam Al-Mahdi to fill the Earth with justice, and fairness after it was
filled with oppression and injustice.