The US forces in Iraq is unwanted to stay
Day after day the US forces in Iraq commit more killing and damages to the civilians and the structures of this country. Four Iraqis (3 women and a man) were killed in Baghdad, Alshab area today when their vehicle attacked by US soldiers.
More than 95% of the Iraqis would like to see an end to the occupation and the foreign troops to leave their country as soon as possible. The signing of a declaration between George Bush and Nori Almalki about the presence of the US forces and the possible stay in an American bases in Iraq for long time is not going to help the relation between the two sides. It will certainly increase the resistance to any American stay in Iraq. Iraq is now a country without sovereignty and should not stay so for long time. If there is any kind of relationship between the US and Iraq it should take in consideration what the people of this country would like to have, because at the end of the day it is going to be decided by them. America and Iraq could have a good relationship but without the military existence and without long time stay and basis in Iraq. There are lot of areas that may work well for both sides such as the trade, the oil, the services, the reconstructions, the military agreements and many other areas but not the continuation of the occupation at all.
Iraq sovereignty should be fully respected and returned back to the Iraqis as soon as possible.
No to the long stay and military basis in Iraq and yes for a good relation with the USA but not as an occupier force.
New Barbaric crime by the American occupiers
The mercenaries of the imperialistic occupiers in Iraq including 6 Hammers opened fire on the citizens of Al-Mothana province today.
Many Iraqis have been killed and wounded by the barbaric attack of the occupiers.
Revenge has to follow without any doubts and have to be hard and heavy. The price which has to be paid by the occupiers from now on should be more than what they expect and it should be.
We call upon the Iraqis to liberate their cities from the occupiers by all means. The imperialistic mercenaries should leave or face the consequences of their occupation of our country.
George Bush mercenaries either pull with face saving or will be pushed out with humiliation. The war of resistance is just started. It is heavy scale though is not yet ripe.
The new Anglo-Saxon Imperialism
One of the most important causes of the aversion towards the West and the USA in the Middle East and other parts of the worlds is the colonization of the West to these countries. The colonists used different methods to subdue the people of the occupied countries and plunder their wealth. There were different ways adopted by the subdued people to resist the occupiers and inflict huge loses in their forces and its manpower. Resistance of the occupation is a legal right for every one when their countries occupied by others.
The war in Iraq and Afghanistan which was led by George W Bush and his friend Tony Blair was first said to be a war against the terrorists. However the war in Iraq turned to be an imperialistic war aiming to weaken that country and plunder its wealth exactly like what happened with the old imperialism. Indeed this war brought terrorism to Iraq which was free from it. Opposite to Iraq is Afghanistan in which the USA created terrorism before their imperialistic invasion to that country in a pretext to clear the disorder they created. However the history of that region telling us that no one may win in his war against it. Osama Bin Laden is stronger than before by his supporters who exist all over the world including the USA and its allies.
The aim of the new imperialists is to loot the oil from Iraq. George W Bush, Dick Cheney, Ramsfield, Tony Blair and their alike are the architects. That is why they like to keep and maintain a weak Iraq with a weak government. This is why the new imperialists are pressurizing and pushing for the new law about Iraq’s oil. On the other hand this may be one of the reasons why the UK government went into the war as revenge against the nationalization of the oil in 1979. This was exactly what they did when Egypt nationalized the Canal. The imperialists returned back under the cover of war against terrorism. This was exactly the same about the imperialists before when they come under the cover of liberation from the fascists.
The new imperialists want the Iraqi oil and exactly like in the past they keep the country weak, fragile, divided and with weak government. However this time it is different because the old methods will never be successful and the price to pay will be huge. The Iraqi resistance against the new imperialists will crush them sooner rather than latter and is only a matter of time.
Back to the question of the relationship between hate of the imperialists and the occupation; it is clear that the more the occupation of Iraq become the more the seeds of hate will be implanted in the region and not only in Iraq. The solution is to leave Iraq and its wealth to the Iraqis and to get a balanced respectful relation with a strong and stable Iraq rather than a fragile, unstable and looted Iraq. We hope that this is a clear message for those who may understand.

Vote for Younis Mahmoud from Iraq
Please vote for the captain of the Iraqi football soccer Younis Muhmmod.
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Saudi Arabia between the Wahabism and Terrorism
It is not the normal and peaceful citizens of SA but the extremists and fundamentalists who incite the death penalty on every one not belonging to the Wahabi sect which support the terrorism. Every one knew that the Wahabis and the Saudi ruling family were formed as one in their goals and ways of achieving such goals. The world has changed and what was created by the British deceased empire should change.
The recent involvement of the Wahabi lead terrorism (Al-Qaeda) is not some thing new. The history of the formation of the (Saudi Arabia) is a well know fact when Abdul Aziz Bin Saud and Mohammad Bin Abd-Al-Wahab formed alliance and controlled Najd and Hejaz by force, terrorism, genocide and ethnic cleansing. They even tried to enrol over Iraq, Kuwait, Yemen, Emirates, Qatar and part of Egypt and Jordan. Their blood thirsty soldiers used to attack these areas such as Kerbala in Iraq and killed even the foetuses inside the wombs. If you ask any one old enough to remember in Najaf or Kerbala which are the borderer areas with SA they will tell you horrific stories about these attacks and the atrocities of the attackers.
The West such as the USA and the British governments are only after their interests especially for oil and not after the Human Rights especially if this matter is related to the people of the other countries. How they concern about the other people and they got no concern about their own people?! The best recent example is when Saddam Hussein attacked his own people with Chemical Weapons in Halabja and the Marshes while the USA and its allies kept blind eyes on that just because they want him to attack Iran at that time. They themselves supplied such weapons to Saddam and the route of the supply was through the Saudi Arabia! The Saudis are always given the pass and they are always telling lies. They send terrorists to Iraq and to other parts of the region and the world yet they lie on every one by telling that they are against terrorism. However the pass is always due to the oil. Here comes the big question of whether we may have to accept that the US and its allies are democratic states which can address and defend the human rights or not? With out any thinking for more than a second the answer is clearly negative. These states are not about democracy and respect of the human rights but interests of its own oil companies which is owned to some of the politicians or pushing the politics towards its own interests. Iran is another state which supports terrorism inside Iraq however they put pressure on it because they got no interest in its oil any more.
The new
Accountability Act about Saudi Arabia which is introduced by the U.S. Senator Arlen Specter is a correct step towards a correct way of dealing with terrorism. It was interesting to notice in the recent visit of the King of Saudi Arabia to the UK and his meeting with the Queen that the UK press condemned the visit and the meeting especially after the King accused the UK government of not listening to the Saudis when they told them about the evidence of terrorism before the London bombing in 7/7/2005. They also referred to the
Scandal of the Century about Al-Yamamah oil for aircraft scandal.
There is much difference between the ordinary peace loving Saudi citizens and the Wahabi fundamentalists. Islam is a great religion and it means peace and submission to God but Wahabism is not. Mr. Specter is right in his proposals.