Dialogue and peaceful solution is best for Syria
We wrote before about the Syrian revolution and called for
Bashar Al-Asaad to take steps towards peaceful transfer of power in a free
democratic election. The Syrian people
should decide their future and the way they elect their leaders in civil and
democratic methods without outside interferences. However the way reached now in Syria is not
pure revolution but turned in to a civil war based on ethnic backgrounds. The Syrian people are divided between
several factions. Although the aim is
to topple the existed regime but the outcome is not clear.

On the ground there are militias called Al-Jeesh Al-Sowri
Al-Hor (the free Syrian army), armed groups from different factions including
Al-Qaeda fighters, other groups separated from the Syrian army and even some
non-Syrian fighters from other countries.
Killing, rapes, terrorism, threatening, and many horrified stories were documented
by many media machines including You-tube and others. These acts were initially ascribed to the
regime but soon many of them became very clear connection to the different
fighter groups including the free Syrian army.
There are many innocent people killed by most brutal ways and in front
of the others by these groups.
According to what is happening in Syria now it may be easy
to say that the regime is going to fall soon (which is not right in fact),
however, it is extremely difficult to imagine what will happen after. There is no mechanism or way to control the
issues if the regime is going to fall.
Syria may descend so easily into a civil war which will spread to the
outside of Syria. We therefore fell that
the best solution for the Syrian issue is to solve the problem by dialogue between
all factions to have a clear vision for the next era without bloodshed and by
democratic way while gradually and peacefully transferring power by democratic
ways. Saying all of that in the last few
days we saw that the regime is strong enough to crush all the fighters who claimed
a strong hold here and there but soon they either captured or killed or
escaped. One of the best examples for
the strong hold and control of the regime is that it merged strong after the
killing of few most top leaders among his army and security men.
Stop killing in Syria and have a road map for free

The Arabic spring or the beginning of the revolutions in the
Arab world against the dictators and tyrants regimes started as a matter of
fact after a long time of oppression and corruptions. Such act of tyranny and oppression became difficult
to pass in this time where everything is difficult to hide or to pass
unnoticed. Hypocrisy, lie, corruptions,
misuses, and similar actions were used to misuse power not only by the Arab
countries but also by the Western regimes.
The difference is that in the West there are elected dictatorship
regimes governed by some law while in the Arab world the law is in the hand of
the authorities and the regimes are self-imposed and supported by other countries
such as the USA for their own interests.
It is therefore when the Arabic revolutions started in Tunisia and
rapidly spread the USA and the West initially taken by surprise but after a
while they started to ride the wave. This
makes the revolutions in the Arab world to take different path from its usual
one that it started with. The revolutions
came for freedom and democracy but the Western regimes in the USA, the UK and
others including regional countries entered into these revolutions and that
make these revolutions to get deviated from its usual path. The clearest example is the revolution in
The revolution in Syria started in a correct way but soon
was deviated to become struggle for power between different factions each one
of them is supported by regional or international countries. It is therefore Syria became a battlefield of
war between countries supporting different factions. This
will abort the meaning of the revolution in its popular definition as a
The people of Syria should determine their fate and not to
be determined for them by other countries.
The regime should go but not by bloodshed, killing, destruction, or army
from Al-Qaeda controlling power. Syria
now is on a verge of civil war which if happened will not only destroy Syria
but will certainly destabilise the whole region especially that it is so fragile
now. Syria is in need of stopping blood shed first
and then dialogue between different factions and a road map ending with
election under observations of the international and regional community. The UN is needed to consider a road map for
free election in Syria in about 6 months after stopping all acts of wars.
Stop killing in Syria and get a road map for election under
the umbrella of the UN and the international community. If this option is not done the consequences
are going to be disastrous for the whole region. It is also the responsibility of the regime
in Syria to declare and accept that he will quit power as soon as the election
determined who will govern Syria next.
Ramadan is a holy month with a blessed night
better than one thousands month
Ramadan month is the month of fasting in Islam. In this month the Holy Quran descended from
the Highest Authority in the Universe (Allah) (Glory be to His Name) the
Creator into the existence to be revealed to the master of all mankind and Jinn
Prophet Mohammad (Peace be up on him). In Ramadan there is a night called the Night
of Alkader which was described in the Holy Quran as it is better than one
thousands months! In this night Allah
(Glory be to His Name) said in the Holy Quran that He orders the Angles to
descend to this world and among them is the Archangel Gabriel. In
another place in the Holy Quran this night was described as Blessed Night. The night of Alkader not exactly specified
when but it is in the last 10 nights of Ramadan.
In Ramadan the Muslims fast from dawn to sunset. Fasting is a self-disciplinary act not only
from food and drinks but trying the best of one to behave in the most moral
values and abstain from all kinds of sins.
There is no one infallible but in Ramadan every fasted Muslim trying to
make him or herself closes to that.
Ramadan karem and may Allah accept our and your fasting and
good deeds and guide us and those who deserve to be guided to the straight