Pride from Satan and humble from Allah
كلما اقترب الانسان من خالقه كلما شحذ الشيطان هممه ضده وقد يأتيه بشكل خفي كدبيب النملة السوداء على الصخرة الملساء في الليلة الظلماء
لن يستطيع الانسان ان يعبد الله حق عبادته او ان يستقيم بنفسه دون هداية الله له وتثبيته اياه فليدعو احدجكم ربه ان يحبب اليه الايمان ويكره له الفسوق والعصيان ولاغترن احدكم بعبادته فالغرور من صفات ابليس ولايقول انا خير من هذا او ذاك وان بلغت عبادته الالاف السنين!
The more the men and women come closer to the Creator (ALLAH) the more the Satan will hone his determinations against them and may come in esoteric way like the crawling of the black and small aunt on the sleek black stone in the mid of darkest night.
Any one will never be able to worship ALLAH in a just way or be righteous person without the guidance of ALLAH. So let every one of you to pray to ALLAH to open his heart for the right faith and make it beloved thing to himself and to keep him away from immorality and rebellion.
If ALLAH bestow on you a blessing such as good brain or health or righteousness or money be careful not to become proud but humble and thankful to ALLAH. Pride is the character of Satan which makes him to disobey ALLAH.

Islam protect the dignity and the real freedom of women
Many issues and moral values have been destroyed by the current life styles especially in the West. Changes are happening as rapid as the advancement in technologies and the increment of the demands of the current life.
Some of the wrong became right and vice versa. One of the most important things is the definition of the freedom and the equality between men and women. For both of these issues people wrongly defined the main principles. Until very recent time the women in the West used to be treated inferior to men and easily stoned to death as witches and adulterous. With the advent of the industrial revolution and the increase in life demands women required to do long hours of hard working like men. Gradually the structure of the family units broken and marriages decreased compared to divorce. More people nowadays live as partners rather than married couples. Some women had several children from different fathers who may easily leave them facing hard life and children without fatherhood relationship.
The West submit wrong notion for the freedom especially in relation to women life style. First they make the body of the women a cheap tool for advertisement of different kinds of things from very bad and offensive things such as cigarettes, alcohol, and soaps to cars and others. After few generation the people in the West and the East is following, became adapted to see women bodies everywhere in the advertisement over the cars, buses, streets, and so on. It even made the new generations of women to think more and more about their sexiest bodies! This resulted in creation of a female generation with masculinised thoughts and attitudes. It also changed and attenuated the role of motherhood and real feminism.
Islam recognised that there are physiological and psychological differences between men and women and provided dignity and positive implication to make these differences working for the best of both males and females. In fact Prophet Mohammad (PEACE BE UPON HIM) told someone to respect his mother by telling him that the Paradise is under the feet of mothers. Islam put no obligation on women to provide sustenance and always made this as the sole responsibility of men however did not prevent women to work as far as it will not take women dignity off or put constrains on them. In fact Prophet Mohammad beloved first wife was Khadija (PBUH) was working as a business woman and she was among the rich people in her time.
Islam provided the best example for freedom by purifying people from compels of the devilish chains and lusts into the Devine purity and happiness. It never restrains or restricts enjoyment of any kind in its lawful ways that guided by Allah to protect the dignity and health of mankind including women. One of the best examples is the Hijab for women which are a symbol of dignity, purity, Devine obligations, freedom from devilish constrains, and above all submission to the will of God (Allah). Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said that for Paradise there is a nice perfume which can be smelled from thousands of years and women who expose their bodies in a way inducing desire by men will never smell the perfume of Paradise. In fact Hijab came first in the Bible of both the New and Old Testaments. Jesus Christ (PBUH) once asked about the adultery and he said if any one looks into a woman with desire (lust) as if he commits adultery with her in his heart. It is therefore she will be an adulterous by making her body exposed to trigger men desires. Such a woman will carry the sin of many men on the same time as much as she trigger with her body. If anyone denies this either he is not a proper man or liar and hypocrite.
Women should seek the principles which respect them as individuals with dignity from childhood to when they become elderly and not as just cheap body. They should seek real freedom with God principle and not the false freedom with constrains of the people, the fashion, and the lifestyle and body lusts. Over all they should work to avoid the Fire Hell destination. All of this is provided in Islam. Most important is not to judge Islam from what the people (Muslims or non-Muslims) are doing neither from the media that tries to distort Islam.
Why you don’t find for yourselves and read the Holy Quran.
Read it! Read the Holy Quran! It is the book of God! It is the most recent Testaments that Jesus Christ gave glad tiding about it.
It is for women and men, young and old, black and white and everyone. It is the book of the mankind and the Jin.
It is the most positive book in the world.
Read what the Holy Quran says about women and how it addresses the men and women in equal way.
Read the Chapter of Mary the mother of Jesus in the Holy Quran and see for yourselves (women) what the Holy Quran say about that Saint woman. Yes, there is a whole chapter in the Quran about Mary the mother of Jesus from her childhood until adulthood!
Read it so as may Allah guide you toward Islam and to save yourselves from the Fire Hell. The choice is yours before it is too late!
Oh; Allah my Lord witness that I conveyed your message to the best of my ability with your help so as may be someone will be guided by that and by You my Lord.

Come to the way of salvation from the Hell
Allah (The God) said in the Holy Quran (2: 24):
Then fear the Fire whose fuel is people and stones,- which
is prepared for those who reject Faith (Infidels).
And Allah said (2: 39):
Those who reject Faith (The Infidels) and belie Our Signs,
they shall be companions of the Fire; they shall abide therein.
Do you think that Allah created you to eat and drink and
enjoy then you get older until you die or you may even kill or be killed commit
many sins without judgment? If you
think that there is no judgment, you make no differences between yourself and
any other simple creature on this planet.
On the other hand if you think that there will be a judgment then you
make yourself responsible to find the truth.
The truth is in finding the way which leads to Paradise and avoidance of
the Fire Hell.
Allah created you to worship Him in all aspect of your life
and if you knew Him well (just see His great creation) then you will fear Him
no doubts. On the top of Allah worship
is to join no Gods or anyone of His creatures with Him or making them belong to
Him in any way other than creatures and servants of Allah. According to the Holy Quran all the Prophets
including Jesus Christ were servants to Allah (read the Holy Quran to see these
facts yourselves). We (The Muslims) are
the carrier of the last revelation and the inheritance of the messages of all
the prophets from Adam to Mohammad including Abraham, Noah, Moses, Jesus, John,
Job, and all the others. The Muslims are
therefore responsible to deliver the message to all the people and the others
are responsible to come to Islam.
Rejection means rejecting the faith of Allah and therefore rejecting the
faith of all other prophets and this will lead to the Hell. You should fear by your rejection that you
deny the monotheism of Allah and the true faith and the side of Fire Hell.
Allah said in the Holy Quran that only few people among the
previous generations and very few among the last generations will go to Paradise
and therefore the rest (majority of people) will go to Fire. The choice is completely yours and this is
what Allah allowed you to do! If you do
not bother about yourself then expect your dwelling in the Fire but if you do
not want to go there then act before it is too late. After death you will not be given any other
choice whatsoever.
Allah also mentioned that Fire Hell is the ultimate
destination for the hypocrites, those who are doing nothing but immorality, the
wicked, the oppressors, the tyrants, and other wrong doing people. However the Holy Quran mentioned the link
between The Fire Hell and the infidels more than anything else. It is therefore the rejection of the message
of Islam is the one way direction to Hell.
Rejecting Islam means rejecting the religions of all other prophets
before Islam. All other prophets and
religions which came before Islam and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) were preparing
the way for Islam and all prophets are none but Muslims. If you want to know how and why then read the
Holy Quran in an open mind and see for yourself.
Red the Holy Quran and see what Allah is telling you about
the Past, the Present and the Future.
You can access the Holy Quran in your own language nowadays so easily. You have to know that you have to make the
first step toward the correct path and if you are honest inside your hearty
Allah will guide you. No one at all
without Allah guidance will be able to achieve right faith however he or she
has to decide honestly. You have to know
that Allah knows what is inside you and how you are thinking and Allah is with
every one of His creatures and no one make Him busy or occupied from other
things. He sees and hears everyone and
everything and acquainted about your thoughts.
May Allah guide you to the path of Janah (Paradise) and away
from the path of the Fire Hell? If Allah
guided you to Islam please pray for me!
Oh Allah my lord witness that I conveyed your message to the best of my ability with your own guidance and enlightenment.