Sadr City under American siege
For the last 5 days the poorest area in Baghdad the Sadr City is under blockade by the US forces. The tension is increasing not only in this city but in other areas for many well known reasons.
The siege followed the US forces attacks on this poor city by the air and the ground forces. The US forces claims that the disappeared US solider is kidnapped there. These forces had the heaviest casualties during the last month reaching about 100 dead soldiers killed by the Al-Qaeda or its supporters.
The continuation of the blockade of this city is so wrong. The tension is growing and the rift will lead to serious and unstoppable consequences. The solution for the deteriorating Iraqi situation is to get rid of the terrorists without losing the support of the rest of the population. It is important to get the support of the people and this will never be achieved by force but the reverse. Any gain in the ground must be accompanied by gains of more supporters. This will only happen if there are evidence of improvements of the security and services.
The security issue will only get better when enough and well trained and well equipped Iraqi forces exist on the ground. Iraq is so weak now that the balance with Iran is not even comparable while it was better than Iran few years ago. It is not so long before the USA will discover its mistakes over the last 3 years of ignoring to facilitate arming the Iraqi forces on the highest level including the air and sea forces.
There is only one way for the solution of the Iraqi issue which is to work with the elected Iraqi government to improve the Iraqi army, police and security forces. This should take in consideration that Iraq have to protect itself from any outside invasion from the others when the US forces leaving. It is a known fact that the terrorists will try to control power if the US forces leaving and if this allowed to happen then the whole region will be at the terrorists' stake including the oil fields. Therefore the vacuum should not be allowed to happen and there should be a decisive and hard work to arm and train the proper Iraqi forces fully as we said before including the air forces.
The need to correct previous mistakes is of high importance and the continuation of the siege of Sadr city is wrong. Indeed in addition to the siege by the US forces there was an attack by the terrorists against group of causal workers in the city resulted in the death of many and wounded of more today.

Ramadhan end and Eid Mubarak
The month of Ramadhan is finished and Eid Al-Fitr starts on Monday for some Islamic states like Saudi Arabia and on Tuesday or Wednesday for others depending on the first visual inspection of the moon.
In Iraq the month of Ramadhan was no difference from before. Indeed it was one of the worst months for the attacks and lack of security. Thousands of Iraqi civilians have been killed and others wounded or kidnapped or expelled from their homes during this month.
Last Saturday some of the Muslims clergy men from both Sunni and Shiite groups in Iraq signed a document (Fatwa) in the holy city of Makkah. The document is from 10 points calling for peace, forbidding of killing and expulsion, and ending all means of violence. This is an important step to stop violence however it needs implementation on the ground from the Iraqi government which showed quite considerable weakness until now.
We wish you very pleasant Eid and hope that this will be the beginning of the end for the long lasted suffering of the Iraqi people.
Iraq the country of death and terror
This is Iraq the most dangerous place to live in for the last years especially after 2003.
Every single day there are at least 100 people killed and more wounded in Iraq and every day pass is a day of blood, horror and killing.
No day pass in Iraq without discovering many bodies of an unknown people after being tortured and mutilated. The horror includes assassinations, kidnapping, mass murdering, expulsions, car bombs, suicidal attacks, attacks by rockets and other weapons, and so many other crimes that no one is able to count.
Today a group of criminals wearing police uniform forced their way into an office belong to a new Iraqi TV channel and killed 10 (all those inside) including the manager. Iraq is the most dangerous place for journalists.
Hundreds of doctors and intellectuals have been killed after kidnapping or simply assassinated. There are families burnt completely inside their homes with their children. Women kidnapped, raped and decapitated. No single week pass without bodies discovered in the rivers. It becomes usual scene to see headless bodies or decapitated heads or mutilated flesh and bones in the street of Baghdad and other cities, towns and villages. Some of these bodies are used by the criminals as bombs putting explosive inside them which lead to farther causalities when people tried to remove and burry them. This prevented many people of doing so therefore it is not an unusual to find astray dogs eating these bodies.
Few days ago a group of terrorists forced their way into the Samawa hospital and killed three women and decapitated a newborn baby inside the hospital.
There are areas especially in Diyala and the mountain of Hemreen (the area between Baqwoba and Khanaqeen) are under the control of the terror groups. Even areas in Baghdad are under the law of the different militias and armed groups. They enforce their law on people by terror, threatening and intimidations. Once Iraq was though under dictatorship but there was advances and progress with freedom for women as an example. The best example of backwardness now is that women can not go for work with out intimidation by the terrorist groups and some killed simply because of their look or hair or clothes. Many hairdressers, CD shops, and other related forced to close and some of these shops have been demolished by explosives, burnt or attacked by rockets.
Many Iraqis fled the country simply to avoid death or after kidnapped and released or due to threats. Most of those are intellectuals, engineers, doctors and others. Those who stayed after threat have been assassinated like the X-dean of the College of Medicine of Baghdad who was killed two weeks ago.
Attacks including worship places such as mosques, churches, and historic shrines, and countless other places. Shiite shrines and churches were on the top of the list of these attacks.
The situation in Iraq is beyond descriptions and certainly beyond a short article.
The terror, death, bodies, killing, assassinations, rapes, expulsions, decapitations, corruptions, and so on and so forth; are all happening under the vision of the US and other multinational forces occupying Iraq.
These crimes happening yet the Iraqi government is nothing but groups of mixtures of hypocrites, weak, blood or money sucking vampires, thefts, puppets, not suitable for their positions, dictators, just fighting each other for positions and chairs, illiterates, ignorant, not caring about the people, and lives like vampire bats inside the green zone while some of them confiscated the money and escaped to London or other EC/USA/Arab states.
The situation of Iraq may have reached or soon will reach a state beyond remedy.
The solution is only one which is to have a temporary state of emergency order in hands of strict martial law and military courts which are able to produce justice in the criminals within hours or days when the crime is obvious and clear. The terrorist in Iraq will fear nothing more than hanging them in the streets under martial law. And under such emergency status law all the parties and political groups including the National Assembly should be dissolved and can only come back for political work after peace, stability and orders established.
One thing is clear; at least, which is certainly the government of Al-Maliki has failed to achieve any progress towards peace and security and it have to be given a limited time or be replaced. The time-limit should include all those who confiscated Saddam palaces and became nothing but each one of them just other Saddam. They should be warned that they time limit for them is 3 months and if they not come to solution for the existed situation then martial law will go a head and all of them including the National Assembly will be dissolved and not allowed to work until full stability. It will then be harder for all of these puppets to come back for political work.
The time is running out for a serious situation which will include not only Iraq but the other regions in the area. Therefore the time should be so limited for the Iraqi (political groups) to come out from their redundancy and darkness to activity and light or facing martial law and full dissolving of all their structures and Assembly. This is should be made very clear for them and for the Iraqi people as well.
The American forces in Iraq
The US occupied forces in Iraq invaded the building of the higher court in Baghdad today. They took the previous minister of electricity Aiyham Alsammarai who was convicted by the court in several offenses, some related to financial corruptions. After the court convicted him and ordered 2 years sentence in prison, the US forces forced their way into the court room and smuggled the convicted x-minister and took him away to the US embassy.
This is another clear indication about the real intention of these forces in Iraq.
In fact this is another indication that the Iraqi government no more than a little puppet that can not do anything especially if it is related to the US occupation of Iraq.
It is time for all the Iraqis from south to north and east to west to stand against these atrocities and by all means available.
The convicted man should be handed over to the Iraqi authorities to complete his trial and get what he deserves, otherwise the corruption will increase under the US forces protection.
Alert: the Iraqi capital is burning
Right now, the Iraqi capital is under very loud and continuous explosions and rocket attacks with huge fire and smoke in the south of the city.
The explosions believed to be due to explosion in big American weapon storages. There may be many causalities and the cause is not yet know.
The occupation of Iraq should come to an end soon.