Bism Allah Alrahman Alrahem


Where did water came from to Earth and what is the Dwelling water?


Allah said in the Holy Quran:

And We send down water from the sky according to (due) measure, and We cause it to dwell in the Earth; and We certainly are able to drain it off. With it We grow for you gardens of date-palms and vines: in them have ye abundant fruits: and of them ye eat (and have enjoyment).  (18 – 19 al-Mu'minoon)- dwell فَأَسْكَنَّاهُ it means to reside there inside the earth.


وَأَنْزَلْنَا مِنَ السَّمَاءِ مَاءً بِقَدَرٍ فَأَسْكَنَّاهُ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَإِنَّا عَلَىٰ ذَهَابٍ بِهِ لَقَادِرُونَ.  فَأَنْشَأْنَا لَكُمْ بِهِ جَنَّاتٍ مِنْ نَخِيلٍ وَأَعْنَابٍ لَكُمْ فِيهَا فَوَاكِهُ كَثِيرَةٌ وَمِنْهَا تَأْكُلُونَ.  َ (١٨  ١٩ المؤمنون).


And Allah said

And We sent down water from the sky, then we gave it to you, and you are (unable of its storage) (22 al-Hajar) (it means the process of its storage is complicated that only can be managed by God)


The first verse says that God sent down water from the sky with a measure.  In language, “qadr” means “capable” or “mighty”, and it means “with precise estimation”, which refers to the water cycle in nature, as God is capable of it, capable of managing it, capable of continuing it, and appreciative of its destiny, i.e. all the attributes are combined in the word “qadr


This means Allah brought the water in after it came down from the sky and stored it inside the earth and made a way for it, so it settled in the earth and dwelt in stores inside it, but it can come out again when it is needed.  This is not about the outside on surface water but the stored one.  

God is able to make a path for this water and preserve it so that it flows like the oceans but in the interior of the earth to supply what is on exterior surface water of the earth from the storage water.  So, He made that water a path and a passage in the earth's interior for a wise purpose and a delicate balance (fate) and that its source is from heaven. 


In a study conducted at the University of Glasgow in the United Kingdom and the University of Curtin in Australia, it was found that the source of water on Earth came from the sky by (meteorites) saturated with water, while other meteorites were found to contain atoms that, if they interacted with solar storms, resulted in large amounts of light water, which later formed the water on the surface of the Earth, while the other type of water descended into the earth's interior and was stored there as a reserve for the water on the surface. Without this stored water, the water on the surface would have run out in the seas and oceans.  


There are two types of meteorites:

Type C meteorites

These are the ones that carry heavy water and make up 75% of meteorites


Type S meteorites:  

They are the ones in which light water is formed by the interaction of hydrogen H coming from the sun, which is strongly ejected at a temperature of up to two million degrees Celsius with the atoms of the meteorite, producing H2O (light water), which constitutes about 75% of the Earth's water.  


The research team conducted a similar experiment on a piece of S-type meteorite called Itokawa, resulting in the formation of light water at a rate of 20 liters per cubic meter of the meteorite.



The process of light water formation from the interaction of solar storms with S-type meteorites




The formation of water in the sky and its descent to the earth



On the other hand, several underground rivers have been discovered. An underground river is a river or stream that runs wholly or partially underground, where the bottom of the river does not represent the surface of the earth. 


However, the verse is talking about another water that has dwelt and stored in the subsoil that is different from groundwater and surface water.  In other words, the verse is talking about the water stored underground, not the groundwater near the surface.  


Groundwater is water that flows like a river but is contained within a permeable layer of rock or other unconsolidated material. These rivers would be a great source of water if humans could extract them.  According to this verse, there are two cycles of water in nature, one surface, such as the seas, oceans, rivers and groundwater, and the other subterranean, inside the earth, which acts as a reserve for the first.   


In a paper recently published by environmental scientists from Germany in Nature Geoscience, the researchers concluded that there are two water cycles in nature.  The first is the one we know about - the oceans, seas, clouds, rain, rivers, etc. and the second is the one we don't know much about - the cycle of water stored inside the earth, which is of paramount importance to the water on the surface. 


To this day, according to the research paper, scientists do not have a clear perception of how water flows in the earth's interior (And We sent down from the sky water with a measure of fate, and we dwelled it in the earth, and we are able to go away with it – means make passages for it inside the earth) (Holy Quran).  


When the tectonic plates of the earth move, the water molecules are trapped in the rocks, forming minerals with different chemical compositions. In areas where the plates collide, the stored water molecules emerged up to the surface as water.   God described this process in the Holy Quran as very strong that needs huge ability that man cannot and unable to do it.  


Oliver Blomber, a researcher at Utrecht University and lead author of the study, said: “Using state-of-the-art rock analysis and advanced numerical modeling, we were able to show a complex pattern of channels within the rocks. “From nanoscale to meters in length, we saw clear channels forming at the onset of water release and with surprising speed. 


These channels resemble hidden river systems that carry water through the solid subsoil and eventually join into large upward channels where the water is pushed back to the Earth's surface, often through volcanic activity.


“Previous concepts of the Earth's deep water cycle usually assume that water moves slowly throughout the entire rock without forming channels, but this is clearly not the case,” said his colleague Tim John, a researcher at the Free University of Berlin.  



Huge oceans of water were found inside pressurized rocks (and we dwelled it in the earth – Holy Quran) 410 miles from the surface




The Holy Qur'an mentions water coming down from the sky in the past tense (Anzal or Anzalna) 14 times, while the verb descending is mentioned at least 6 times.  


The Almighty said: Who made the earth a bed for you and the sky a building, and sent down water from the sky and brought forth water from the fruits for your sustenance, so you should not make Allah an idol while you know it (22 Al-Baqarah), i.e. He created the earth and made it a bed, i.e. comfortable and safe for living, while He built the sky as we have shown, and then sent down water from the sky, i.e. after it was built.  


Bringing down water from the sky has two meanings

The descent of water from the sky by meteorites, as we mentioned, resulting in surface waters, which are the seas, oceans, rivers, and groundwater, and underground waters in the interior of the earth as a reserve for what is on the surface


Water coming down from the clouds as part of the underground surface water cycle


Then it became a cycle between the earth and the earth's atmosphere, which is the second meaning of the sky.  That is, first the water descended by meteorites, then it had two cycles, one from its stock in the interior of the earth and the second from its water on its surface and in its atmosphere, as the Almighty said;


Allah said: Haven't you seen that Allah sent down from the sky water, which flows into the earth, and then brings forth crops of different colors, and then it waxes hot and you see it yellowish, and then makes it a wreck, that in this is a reminder for those who have the best intellects (Al-Zumar 21)


And what the Almighty says: 


“Did you bring it (water) down from the Muzn, or are we the ones who brought it down?” (69 al-Raqa'a)


According to the dictionaries of the Arabic language, Muzn means hastening to seek what it needed and then went to its destination.  Muzn also means it comes from distance, which also associated with calamites, and it also means the bottle filled with water.  Muzn is also means a luminous thing.   


These meanings all apply to meteorites, as they are fast and appear to fulfill their purpose and vanish and they come from distant space and may lead to disasters as well. 


It would be more meaningful if the verse were interpreted as water coming down to the earth through meteorites (Muznah), and it is okay if both meanings are correct, i.e. meteorites bringing down water first and then clouds as part of the surface water cycle, (one word describe two meaning)  


As for the reason why it is called the clouds, it is because of this verse, as the early commentators interpreted it as a luminous or white cloud, and we know that distant white clouds are usually not rainy.  Also, rain is described in the Quran with other descriptions such as ghayth, tal, wuduq, wail, as well as water.   


One may say that man has been able to create clouds that bring down rain, so how can this be consistent with the saying, “Did you bring it down from the balance or are we the ones who bring it down?” Here comes the first concept or interpretation, which is the Muzn or the meteorites.  


The water God make to dwell inside earth

The water that is stored more than 400 miles below the earth's crust is one of the miracles of creation and the great divine ability that only the Almighty God is capable of.  

The Holy Qur'an states;


And We sent down water from the sky, and we gave it to you, and you are not hoarders” (22 Al-Hajar)  - it means God is the one who hoarded it, (this verse in Arabic means you are unable to store that water) - فَأَنزَلْنَا مِنَ السَّمَاءِ مَاءً فَأَسْقَيْنَاكُمُوهُ وَمَا أَنتُمْ لَهُ بِخَازِنِينَ ﴿٢٢ الحجر﴾ 


The Holy Qur'an says: 


“There is nothing except that we have its treasuries, and we do not bring it down except by a known amount” (21 al-Hajar), 


and (Allah has the treasuries of the heavens and the earth, but the hypocrites do not understand” (7 al-Munafiqun)).  


He said, “I do not say to you that I have the treasuries of Allah, nor do I know the unseen,” (31 Hud 31) 


And He said, 


“We have watered you with it, and you are not storing it for yourself, because you cannot do that, for it is in the earth's interior, so you are only able to store the surface water, but what is in the interior of the earth, we store it for you, and we watered you with it, meaning that we give you part of it )part by part(.   


In the language, it is said (he drew from his water), meaning he took something from this water (the stored),  given by a specific share added to the oceans and seas - (We watered you)).


This stored water is different from the one mentioned in the next verse;


Haven't you seen that Allah sent down water from the sky and wired it into springs in the earth, and then brought forth crops of different colors, and then it grows wild and you see it yellowish and then make it a wreck, for this is a reminder for those who have the best minds (Al-Zumar, 21)


Whereas the latter is the form of springs, which is the water on the surface of the earth, so he described it with the word (he wired it), while the former was (storage it).  This stockpile is the one that God brings out of its place and location or brings it from one state to another, such as water from the state of HO, turning it into the state of H2O, as God said: “He brought out of it, its water and its pasture” (31 Al-Naz'at), meaning that He brought out of the earth its water from one state to another.  So, its stored in a different state that converted to water when needed.  


Scientists say that the stockpile of water is found in rocks that work as a sponge to store huge amounts of water in them.  These rocks are ringwoodite, which contains the hydrogen oxide OH, which is part of the water molecule.


When volcanoes occur, for example, OH combines with a hydrogen molecule to form H2O water, which is added to the oceans and helps to form (magma), (He brought out of it its water and its pasture {31 Al-Nazarat}).  


Water is stored in the form of OH molecules in the structure of rocks because it spoils if it is water or evaporates if stored as H2O.  



Water is stored in the earth at a depth of more than 400 kilometers from the surface in the form of OH (hydrogen oxide) and is added to the oceans

(And we gave you water, and you are not stewards of it) (He brought out of it its water and its pasture)



The Holy Quran mentioned that water origin is from heaven

The Holy Quran mentioned two type of water cycles one is the surface and cloud and what is inside the surface and this is H2O and there is another water cycle stored under strong conditions in the rocks and it supply the surface water in a precise way and its water is stored in different form and when needed convert into water to make the surface water not to run away this is HO convert to H2O. Of course the Holy Quran did not mention HO and H2O. 


Praise be to Allah, the Almighty


The Significance of Death Preceding Life


The profound concepts of life and death have engaged human thought for millennia, forming the bedrock of philosophical, religious, and scientific inquiries into our existence. Various cultures and belief systems offer a rich diversity of explanations regarding the origins and interrelationship of life and death, frequently attributing their creation to divine forces.

In many religious and mythological stories, life is typically presented as the primary creation, with death emerging as a consequence of human actions or as part of a divine design rather than being seen as preceding life. Such accounts emphasize moral accountability, the ephemeral nature of earthly existence, and the promise of an afterlife


Conversely, scientific interpretations regard life and death not as creations but as natural phenomena; life, arising through processes like abiogenesis, and death, an inevitable aspect of biological existence. This scientific perspective does not place death before life but instead views it as a condition that is only relevant once life has taken form.


However, the assertion that death came before life deserves careful exploration, revealing deeper philosophical or existential interpretations rather than mere narrative convention. In this discourse, we delve into the premise that death was indeed created first and that its existence is essential for the perfection and continuity of life.


In Surah Al-Mulk of the Holy Quran, one of the most principles-surahs, the divine attribution of creation is explicitly articulated:

Who created death and life in order to test you which of you is the best in deeds; and He is the Almighty, the Forgiving” (Surah Al-Mulk: 2).


This verse uniquely associates the creation of death with life, positioning death prior in sequence. Additionally, another passage affirms

They have taken gods besides Him, who do not create anything, but they were created, nor do they have the power to harm or benefit themselves, nor do they have the power of death, life, or resurrection” (Surah Al-Furqan: 3)


The assertion that death is foundational in the universe is significant. Initially devoid of life, the universe existed in a state of nothingness; only with God's creative will did life emerge from this primordial void. Thus, we see that death, as a concept and reality, must precede life. God Himself stated


And it is Allah who sent the winds to raise a cloud, and we watered it to a dead country, and with it, we revived the earth after its death; and so is the resurrection” (Surah Fatir: 9)


The inquiry into why death is fundamental becomes paramount. What role does death play that warrants it being mentioned before life?


This research will underscore that the introduction of death into the cycle of life is not merely about chronological order, but rather centers on the intrinsic necessity of death for the sustenance and progression of life. The focus here is on programmed death, a process intrinsically woven into the fabric of life as ordained by God.


Scientific advancements have recognized a vital form of programmed death known as apoptosis, or programmed cell death, which is crucial for maintaining life. Without it, our existence would be fundamentally flawed and unsustainable. Apoptosis is a genetically regulated process, and certain factors act as triggers or switches to induce it, including:

1.  Cancer drugs

2.  Ultraviolet radiation

3.  Gamma rays

4.  Inflammatory response factors like interleukin-1

5.  Immune system regulators and cytokines that activate “death receptors” such as Fas receptors (APO-1/Fas) and Tumor Necrosis Factor.

These factors serve as critical initiators of apoptosis.

One pivotal function of programmed cell death is to shape the developing embryo. For instance, the formation of human hands, complete with distinct and mobile fingers, is the result of this precise cellular death. Without apoptosis, our hands would resemble those of amphibians, with webbed fingers fused together rather than being able to move independently.


The superiority of humans over other creatures, as evidenced by advancements in civilization, science, industry, and agriculture, fundamentally hinges upon the exceptional capabilities of our hands and brains. The human hand exemplifies divine craftsmanship—an intricate design reflecting the almighty's ingenuity and purpose.



Thus, as we examine these concepts, it becomes increasingly clear that death—created before life—plays an irreplaceable role in the continuity and perfection of existence. The relationship between life and death is not merely a matter of sequence, but rather a harmonious interplay essential for the flourishing of life itself.


The fingers of the hand in the embryo are fused and it is programmed cellular death that gives them their final biological form as the interstitial membranes die, as do the feet.


Programmed cell death is a fundamental process that plays a critical role in preventing fetal abnormalities and ensuring that the developing fetus possesses the proper form and functionality necessary for survival. A striking example of this is observed in the formation of neurons and immune system cells during embryonic development. Initially, an excess of these essential cells is produced, which is subsequently followed by a massive wave of programmed cell death; this ensures that only the functional, viable cells remain, as the number of cells that undergo apoptosis surpasses those that persist.

Without apoptosis, the very foundations of our existence would crumble: there would be no functioning brain, no operational immune system, and no well-formed limbs. The perfection of life as we know it would be unattainable. Consider, dear reader, the profound mercy of God, who stated

We have honored the children of Adam, carried them on land and sea, provided them with good things, and given them preference over many of those We have created” (Surah Al-Isra: 70)


Programmed cell death transcends the confines of embryonic development, persisting throughout the entirety of life until death. This process is not arbitrary; it unfolds in a meticulously organized and balanced manner, devoid of error. Indeed, we should praise Him who created death as a means to facilitate life.


Within an adult human body, approximately ten billion cells die each day as they age or become susceptible to cancer if left unmonitored. The absence of apoptosis would lead to a plethora of health issues, including cancer. Thus, to sustain life without complications, these cells submit to programmed death as divinely ordained, making way for new cells to develop from stem cells and other sources.

Programmed cell death is executed by the cell itself. When a cell incurs damage, it initiates a complex and systematic self-destruction process, ensuring that neighboring healthy tissues remain unaffected. During this highly organized procedure, the cellular components are disassembled: useful parts are recycled for the formation of new cells, while damaged remnants are safely disposed of. This crafted, programmed death stands in stark contrast to cell death resulting from infections, toxins, or radiation, which leads to pathological cell death known as necrosis. Unlike apoptosis—designed to optimize life and promote health—necrosis wreaks havoc on the organism.


As illustrated in a simplified diagram, the mechanism of programmed cell death involves enclosing cellular fragments within structures akin to bags, preparing them for either disposal or potential reuse if deemed fit.


As we age, the ability of our cells to respond to apoptosis diminishes, leading to an increased likelihood of cancerous developments. Aging cells that may harbor defective DNA or genetic anomalies risk malignant transformation if not eliminated through apoptosis. Conversely, an excessive response to apoptosis can trigger autoimmune diseases. Such is the intricacy of apoptosis, a finely-tuned process that, when perfectly calibrated, maintains health; when unbalanced, it can give rise to severe diseases.


In creation, God established minimum and maximum limits for all living things, desiring that these thresholds remain intact in all respects:

And the heavens, which He raised and set the scales” (Surah Ar-Rahman: 7)


This precision underscores the divine wisdom in crafting life—a testament to the order and harmony governed by the Creator.


A cell that kills itself by programmed death.

Note that it wraps the parts for disposal or reuse.



Apoptosis (programmed death) compared to cell death due to disease Necrosis. Notice how the cell breaks down and carefully prepares the broken parts for proper disposal, while in necrosis the cell disintegrates randomly and pathologically.

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