Bism Allah Alrahman Alrahem

Iraq after 2003 American invasion

George W Bush and Tony Blair lied about the war in Iraq in 2003 about weapon of mass destruction (WMD).   They told the world that they came to liberate Iraq from the dictator.   From that time until now the facts on the grounds are not what they said.


First there were no WMD and they confirmed that.   Second they brought corrupts and traitors in power since then.  Most of them are traitors to Iran.  In fact, they handed the country of Iraq to the hands of the Iranian regime and militias.  


Since 2003 until now Iraq become a land for corrupts, thief’s, traitors, and ongoing killing.  There are daily kidnappings, assassinations, and intimidations to anyone who want to talk about their rights or suffering.   Families are not even secured inside their homes.  Killers amongst militias and different groups may enter any home and kill the whole family.   If a father request to know the fate of his son who was kidnapped by the militia they will kill the father.  The government is nothing because the control is in the hands of the pro-Iranian militias. 


What happened in Iraq is the outcome of the mistake of George W Bush and Tony Blair since 2003 and they should clear their mess.  There are a lot of blood in their hands!



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