Bism Allah Alrahman Alrahem

Prayers to Allah (God) to help us all in this time of COVID

Wherever and whoever we are, COVID-19 is not discriminating between us.   We are targeted by it irrespective of our believe or color or culture or religion.   Old or young, children or babies, mothers or grand mothers are all targets to this killer virus.  

It indicates our wrong actions and weak preparations.   Wrong because we spend more money for arms and wars and weak because we do not spend these moneys on health such as producing antiviral and creating stronger well-prepared health systems.  

Now we need all to pray to God for those who got the COVID to get better soon and those who are caring for them to have the strength and the guidance.  For the healthy and young to keep them protected and inspire them to help others.  For the governments to help them to do the best and more to combat this infections soon.   For the health workers the will and strength and those dealing with treatment to be guided to find a treatment and or vaccine soon.  For those who lost businesses and jobs to get it back soon God will.  For the media to reduce the anxiety and panic of people.  For areas of conflicts and wars to cool down to let this pass.  

For protection from any harm including COVID please say the following 3 times in the morning and 3 times in the evening:

Bism Allah Alrahman Alrahem (in the name of God most gracious most merciful)

In the name of Allah by His name harm cannot be done by anything in the Earth or Heavens.   He is All-hearing, All-seeing 

And say:  O Allah, I seek refuge in You from all diseases

And pray:  I seek refuge in the Perfect Words of Allah from the evil of what He created.

لدفع البلاء والمرض مثل كورونا تقول ثلاث مرات صباحا وثلاث مساء مايلي:

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
بسم الله الذي لا يضر مع اسمه شيء في الأرض ولا في السماء وهو السميع العليم 

وكذلك تدعو:

اللهم اني اعوذ بك من سيء الاسقام

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