Bism Allah Alrahman Alrahem

War in Yemen: stop massacre against children?

Thousands of children, women, and innocent civilians were killed by the Saudis air strikes in Yemen.  Civilians’ infrastructures including water, electricity, airports, roads, hospitals, fuel stations, schools, mosques, and civilian houses were attacked several times with the help of the American supports. 

How can children burnt to death and in which law another country attacking a neighbor country to kill its children and prevent all kinds of humanitarians help to reach?  If it is the law of the United Nation it is then the UN is a jungle law not suitable for the 21 century. 

Now hundreds of thousands of children in Yemen are exposed to starvation, diseases and death.  How can totalitarian dictator and suppressive regime to its own people attack a neighbor country for the seek to impose on that country an escaped dictator who was rejected by his own people?  Is it a good reason to kill the children of Yemen so as to bring on them fled president?

It is shame on the face of this world seeing the children of Yemen killed and do nothing to stop it?!

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