Bism Allah Alrahman Alrahem

The Arabs Revolutions

It is the new era and the new Arab generations who refused oppressions, tyranny and totalitarian puppet rulers.

What the Arab rulers should do?


Ali Abdalallah Salah the dictator of Yemen should respect his people and do one last good thing before more bloodshed by resigning. He knows that the revolution reached a stage where there is no return at all. The earlier his departure the better if he has a little civilised attitude left. He should hand power to the army like what happened in Egypt. Go soon better for yourself and for Yemen if you like your country and people.


Moaamar Gaddafi the tyrant of Libya is one of the worst dictators in the recent history. He suffers from mania and psychopathic personality. Those still fighting with him have to decide between staying with the criminal and joining their people in their revolt now. The army who is still with Gaddafi have to turn the table on him. His security should refuse the orders of the killer. All the Libyan should save Libya from Gaddafi blood stained hands. This is the only way to save their country from more destruction brought by Gaddafi. Gaddafi’s tribe should reject him especially after his crimes. The revolutionaries should arm themselves well and made swept victory toward Tripoli.


Nori Al Malki the PM of Iraq vowed for a hundred days to clear corruption from the state and put plans for restoring services etc. However there are no plans or actions or any tangible results yet despite 30 days passed. If he wants to survive he should introduce quick and effective remedies and plans. The time scale is not with him and quick actions needed as soon as possible. It is not only the services that are lacking but there are many other issues under large corruptions in the ministries and the commissions such as the Property Claims Commissions where there are thousands of Iraqis who lost their properties and juridical orders issued many years ago to substitute them yet their applications remained on the shelves of the Property Claims Commissions for many years. Similar issues need to be treated soon to get rid of the injustice from the citizens.


Bashar Asad should be more civilized than the other rulers and before any bloodshed in Syria he should come with major reforms. On the top of these reforms he should arrange for free, transparent, elections in which he should not stand for it. By this he will save his country and become the most civilised president in the region. He is a physician and he should save people lives and not to kill them. Let him come with a speech telling his people that all Syrian should sit together and produce new legislations, new parliament, and new election. He will not stand in that election and it should be done with short period of time such as 2 months. It is in Assad hands to save Syria destructions and damages and not to turn it into another Libya.


Reforms should include two things. First open transparent dialogue and apologies from the rulers about the people who were killed. It is important that these dialogues happen while the foreign troops pull out of Bahrain to give more paces for such talks. The Bahraini people voice should be heard and reforms should be done on a large scale towards democracy and freedom.

Jordan and other Arab states

Big, transparent and effective reforms should be done without delays and before having another Libyas or another Yemens.

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