Bism Allah Alrahman Alrahem

The Arab world is changing and the new generations rejecting the oppressive regimes

The revolutions in the Arab world continue and increasing steadily.

In Libya Al-Gadafi is now isolated in retreating into a small location in Alazyzia his last strong hold. His followers are abandoning him continuously leaving him isolated despite his new appearance in the green square in Tripoli asking the people there to sing and dance! On the other hand the latest pictures from Tripoli districts showed more killing and bloodshed.

In Libya the army including the air force is more likely to determine the fate of Gadafi after more units joined the revolution today. Gadafi’s mercenaries using all kind of weapons to kill, therefore the revolution requires the army and the revolts forces to overthrow Gadafi’s regime.

Libyan peoples need the support of the other nations but not any military interference at all. Any military interference may make Gadafi looks like a hero who is fighting the occupiers even if he died or killed.

The other Arab countries including Yemen, Bahrain, and Jordan had continued revolutions to different degrees calling for genuine reforms or changing of the totalitarian regimes.
Other countries are under increasing boiling condition and may explode at any time soon. It is therefore to prevent this big and real reforms are need.

In Iraq the Iraqis all over the country started their revolt. They call for real reforms in the aspects of the services, stopping corruptions, making urgent solution to reduce unemployment, reducing poverty, and democratic reforms based on the nationalism and not sectarianism. The Iraqis also called for the America to pull its forces from Iraq and end the occupation.

It seems to be that we are going to witness more revolts in the other Arab countries such as Syria, Saudi Arabia and Morocco soon.

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