Final Iraqi election results
The final results announced today showed that there is no winners or losers in this election. Although Al-Iraqiyah list (Aiyad Alawi) scored 91 seats as total which is the highest but this is not enough to form a majority. The other two lists scored high is the Group of Dawlat Alkanon (Nori Almaliki) which scored 89 seats, the Alwatini list (Alhakeem) which got 70 seats and the Alkordistani (Talabani & Barazani) scored 43 seats.
These results are not enough to form two thirds collation required to form the next government. It is therefore require some elasticity from the Aiyad Alawi and the other groups to form a large group. Nori Almaliki was very rigid and he rejected the results and accused the electoral committee of manipulating the results. These statements are in fact of no benefits for the Iraqis and the country and against the peaceful democratic transition of power. On the other hand Alawi group celebrated the victory in many parts of Iraq.
In the next few days we will see how this difficult issue of forming a large coalition forms the new government.
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