Bism Allah Alrahman Alrahem

The Ants according to the Holy Quran

When the Holy Quran was reveled to The Prophet Mohammed (Peace be up on Him and His Family) more than 1,400 years ago the science was not yet advanced. At that time the people had no means to study the living creatures neither to study themselves. One of the most important discoveries of the very recent time is the existence of communications, social life, specialization, dwellings, and many other things about the small creatures such the ants. Not only these but even more specific scientific facts that it was impossible for a man in the desert to know 1,400 years ago.

The Holy Quran says in Surah (Chapter) 27:18-19
(18) Till, when they came (King Solomon and his unique Hosts) to the valley of the ants, one of the ants said: ‘o ye ants, go into your dwellings lest Solomon and hosts crush you (under foot) while they do not know.
(19) He (King Solomon) smiled, and laughed at its words, and said: ‘o my lord! Grant me that I should be grateful for your blessing with which you have blessed me and my parents, and that I may work the righteousness that will please you: and admit me, by your grace, to the ranks of your righteous servants.”
Let me first mention something important which is that in Arabic language the verbs are two kinds; one used for male and the other for female. The Holy Quran mentions that the ant who was telling the other ants was (Namlaah) which is the female verb.

From theses verses we clearly see the following facts:

1. The workers who was acting as a guide or guard was a female ant
2. The ants communicate to each other by speech
3. They live in well organised society with specialisation
4. The ants are caring for each other and they use speech alarms against danger
5. They got houses to live and be safe inside
6. They sense very well the danger from distances and got sensitive sensors
7. The humanbeings can isolate and understand their speech if they got the tools
8. The workers in the ants society are females
9. The recent science knows that ants communicate by chemical or mechanical ways but only very recently it concluded that ants in facts talk to each other routinely by audiological voice which can be recorded and played back.

These facts have been approved scientifically recently and this is one of the miracles of the Holy Quran.

Read the Holy Quran as it is the most positive book which tells you about the past, the present and the future even beyond the Day of Judgment and Allah will guide you to the straight path of Islam.

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