Bism Allah Alrahman Alrahem

Israel lost and (won) in Gaza

There is no doubt that (Israel) lost the war in Gaza because it achieved none of its declared aims which is based on destruction of Hamas. It is like 2006 in Lebanon Hezbollah emerged stronger, now after the war in Gaza, Israel chicken-livered again after its coward war against children. It is exactly same (Israel) is now announced its poltroon announcement of stopping the war from one side and none of its objectives were achieved at all.

The only thing (Israel) achieved or (won) is killed more children and destroyed more buildings and infrastructures. This is exactly what the terrorists do. These are achievements only according to the eyes and thoughts of the terrorists. The other achievement is more resistance and hate to the ideology of killing and destruction of the Zionists from all the people around the world. It is the ideology of terrorism and nothing else.

At the end it is a very clear defeat and loss for (Israel) and it is so clear victory for the Palestinians and Hamas especially they announced after (Israel) occupation that they will continue the resistance.

The next days will see who is the victorious and who lost but only killing and terrorizing the children?

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