Bism Allah Alrahman Alrahem

More victims for the Occupiers mercenary forces in Iraq

Two Iraqi women have been killed by a special guard mercenary force called Unity Resources Group in Baghdad yesterday. The women were driving in their car in Alkarada area when the mercenary force fired gunshots on them and killed both of them immediately. This mercenary force head quarter is in Dubai and in Australia.

The two women are Iraqi Christian. Their relatives are including Priests who called for revenges against the foreign security forces in Iraq. Indeed this is not the first time of such group killing Iraqi civilians.

The revenge in actual fact should be taken against these reckless mercenary wherever they are in Iraq by all the Iraqis until they leave our country. They killed us and we should kill them from now on without mercy. We call all the Iraqis to take revenge against the foreign forces inside Iraq until the occupation end. The Iraqis should use all means and all kind of forces, wars and weapons to kill these mercenaries or take them as a POW.

On the 16/9/2007 the American Black Water mercenary force which was accompanied a convoy from the American embassy, fired haphazardly on Iraqi civilians killing 17 and injuring 27 among them children and one family.

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