Bism Allah Alrahman Alrahem

Massacres in Iraq Continued

More than 400 innocent Iraqi people have been killed and seriously wounded in the village of Aamer Lee in Kurkuk about 200 km north of Baghdad when a suicidal tanker attacked the village market. More than 40 houses destroyed completely and several shops and cars. Hospitals in the nearby cities such as Kurkuk were unable to cope with the number of wounded and due to the lack of security in roads most of wounded were died in their way to hospitals.

The Iraqi Puppet prime minister and his corrupted and weak government doing nothing a part fro condemnations!

Other deaths, assassinations, killing, lack of services, lack of security, corruptions, and other horrified crimes are continuing in Iraq daily.

The occupied forces in Iraq of the American mercenaries and their allies bear the whole responsibility for these attacks. Indeed they are involved directly in committing these acts. Weak Iraq and strong terrorists is the act of George W Bush and Dick Cheney mercenaries.

The American occupation of Iraq should be resisted by all means and they should be hold responsible for all what is happening in Iraq. George Bush killed thousands of Iraqi civilians and should be tried and his deputies in his mercenaries army about this.

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