Bism Allah Alrahman Alrahem

Al-Qaeda preparing for major attacks

Following the killing of Al-Zarqawi his followers tired to carry out major attacks against specific targets. Until now they succeeded only to kill a lot of innocent civilians by various attacks in many parts of Iraq.

There is no doubt that Iraq is now the most dangerous place in the world to live in. There are on-going crimes of different kinds on each moment. Killings, kidnappings, assassinations, suicidal attacks, bombs, and so on and so forth are part of the daily life in Baghdad and the other cities.

Blood is the main colour in the daily life and death is the main scene. However choosing soft civilian targets indicates only one thing that is the failure of the terrorists to achieve any thing other than failure. This is clearly indicated by the decline of any interests in the actions of these groups by the media. However, some of Al-Qaeda sleeping groups away from Iraq are now in their dawn. They are preparing for major attacks in more than one place around the world as a revenge for their leader in Iraq.

It is only a matter of time for us to witness another tool of deaths but this time outside Iraq. No one will be immune at all even those who consider themselves protected. Jordan is another target and the American interests everywhere will certainly be targeted.

Countries which support the terrorism in Iraq have walked with it unharmed. Saudi Arabia is the major supplier and Syria directly involved. Iran has indirect involvement and some other regional countries are doing so.

The solution is to allow the Iraqi government to crush the terrorists hardly and severely and without mercy. The terrorist knows one language which is force and killing so they have to get it to their side.

The existed situation of the Iraqi government locked in the green zone away from the people who are killed daily represent somehow success for the terrorists. They are telling the others that they are the one who decided to isolate them in their prison in the green zone including the representatives of the MNF.

Where and when the next attack is a matter of time.

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