Bism Allah Alrahman Alrahem

Saddam Trial: The new chief judge

The resignation of the chief judge in the trial of Saddam and his group about Dijel crimes was inevitable.

We think that this resignation could have been happened a while ago. Razgar Amien was unable to control the course of the trial in its best possible way. Saddam and his half brother were able to misdirect the trial into many different paths by using different ways. The leniency and weakness in which RA led the trial helped this misdirection.

Time after time the indictors succeeded to make themselves as the victims by allowing them to convert the trial from its main subject (Dijel) into complains about their living circumstances and the bad treatment they received by the Americans. During these times the Judge acted like human right activist while he was interfering if there is any minor deviation by the complainants.

Many times the trial became a stage for Saddam to deliver political and or coded speeches.

RA (the main Judge) looked tired, poorly concentrating, inattentive at times and not able to stop Saddam and his group from insulting the complainants or the attendances.

The new chief Judge (Saaid Al-Hammashi) was the deputy judge who appeared to the right of RA. He is experienced judge and had training in the UK and Italy.
We hope he will lead a just and right trial next Monday. No doubt Razgar Amien will watch the trial from his home in Solyimania.

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