Bism Allah Alrahman Alrahem

Tony Blair forgot to mention Iraq; WHY!?

TB in his speech in the House of Common today mentioned about and condemned the terrorist attacks in London, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, USA, and many other states but he haven't mentioned the terrorist attacks which occur on a daily basis in Iraq!

Why TB has not mentioned Iraq? Are the Iraqis not humanbeings like the Saudis and the Yemenis and his own citizens? Did he forget that he got many UK troops in Iraq?

We know very well that the Western media like the BBC and the CNN have a double standard when it comes to attacks on the Iraqi citizens. They are calling the perpetrators as insurgents, yet the same perpetrators or their alike called terrorists when it comes to attacks on their interests or countries.
It is not only TB who forget to mention Iraq but we observed that the other Western politicians who condemned the terrorist attacks in many other areas but Iraq which is exposed daily into many attacks on its civilians from what is called Al-Qaida which adopt the Wahabi doctrine as the main and only drive. And every one knows who helped the Wahabi groups after the WWII to take control with Bin-Saud on the land of Najed and Hijaz which then was named after the last.

Tony Blair is wrong to forget to mention Iraq as a victim of an ongoing terrorism on a daily basis. He is wrong.

Tony Blair; we are still sympathizing and supporting the victims of London bombs in spite of you forget to mention Iraq as a victim to on going terrorism. However we don't know why you haven't mentioned that? Is it because you afraid from the terrorists there or because you plan to pull out or you have no consideration to the Iraqis as a people or something else we don't know?

If this letter reached you or your number 10 people please let us know your view and we hope it is not intentional.

It is so shame Mr Tony Blair to condemn a one attack of terrorism happened in the land where the terrorists graduated from (Saudi Arabia & Yemen) yet forgetting the Iraqi victims of the daily terrorism, it is shame and unacceptable.

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