Bism Allah Alrahman Alrahem

Expected another bloody day in Iraq

Today is the first day of the first elected government in Iraq for more than 50 years. We expected therefore that the criminal thugs among the cockroaches to try to kill and destroy as much as they can.

The terrorists killed so many innocent people today however gained nothing but more determination to exterminate them. The reported local news indicates that they are in a big problem and the count down for their end is started.

The Iraqi Police and National Guard need more arms and equipments to enable them to do their jobs better. The USA and other coalition states can help much better in this matter.

The new government should also take a decisive action against the terrorists and implement sever punishments against the criminals and on the same time it should move the economy and the process of reconstruction.

Whatever the terrorists do they will not change that Iraq is having its first elected government since decades of dictator regimes and will prepare a constitution and in few months time the Iraqis will elect their new government for the first time in its recent history.

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