Bism Allah Alrahman Alrahem

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Al-Zarqawi thugs threatened to decapitate three Turkish captives within 72 hours if the Turkish government not pulling its companies which work with the coalition forces in Iraq. Al-Jazeera again broadcasted their videos. Watch who are going to be the next victims of the beheading!

A big explosion in a main shopping area in the centre of Hila 80 miles south of Baghdad killed at least 40 Iraqi civilians! The bastards who are responsible are the same harmful insects as before.

The IP captured three insurgent while they tried to attack the police station in North of Baghdad. Two of them are (non-Iraqi) Arabs and one Kurdish. The two Arabs are most likely Syrians according to a source from IP.

The Saudi police combing a Al-Aqeq Quarter in the North of Riyadh from morning until late Yesterday. Helicopters and Special Forces used may be to search for what look like an important target.

Two Pakistani women have been killed in a residential compound in Riyadh by a Philipino man, may be after an attempt to rape them on Thursday!

Iyad Alawi party (Al-Wafiaq Al-Watani) HQ in Baqoba (120 miles Nr East Baghdad) has been destroyed by dynamite explosion. In the same area a centre for IRC HQ (Shia) attacked earlier!

A new official document dated in 1995 disclosed by the Iraqi Intelligence Services revealed a direct connection between Saddam regime and Bin Laden several times in 1990s. At the same time Zarqawi was in Baghdad with direct blessing of Saddam. Arab media and Egyptian commentator in Al-Arabyiah TV denied the document as an American trial to find an excuse for its war in Iraq!

The Main Iraqi Criminal Justice Court has issued a judicial order to arrest three Mullahs in Falluja for their instigation to kill six Iraqi Shia youth. They are:
1.Abdalla Al-Janabi,
2.Thafer Al-Dilami and
3.Omar Al-Hariri.

The Court has decided to take such action after full and detailed investigation which confirmed the involvement of the three mentioned above. What is called (Haiyat Olamaa Al Mouslmeen) or the Body of Muslims Clergy which is Sunni Pro-Wahabi group tried to bribe the relatives of the victims with at least one million Iraqi Dinars and to return their vehicles back if they keep silent, but they refused that and decided to take the matter legally. This is what the iraqi Law and Iraqis should do in their new civilized state!

The Wahabi terrorists (Zarqawi & his supporting thugs) killed Hussein Al-Harithi who is the representative of Ali Sistani in a district in Baghdad. Harithi used to run a charity organisation to help the poor and needy as well. His assassination came as part of the systemic and organised attacks against the Shia figures and institutes.

In a phone call with Al-Sharq Al-Awsat Al Jazeera TV denied any link with the terrorist in Iraq! (Eli Bihista Teli Yi Ma Mia) in English; the one who hide a small lamb under his clothes can not hide his voice!

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