Bism Allah Alrahman Alrahem

Falluja Update

There is news from Falluja talking about a special meeting recently took place in one area in the centre of Falluja in which the (Mujaheeden) has pledged allegiance to appoint Al-Zarqawi as the Ameer (Prince or Governor) of the City of Falluja! Zarqawi was in the meeting which was attended by top leader of Mujaheeden including Arabs from Jordan, Saudis, Syrian and Palestinians.

They divided the city into various areas and called it Emarat El-Falluja (Emirate) with Zarqawi as the Ameer (Prince). They appointed a leader for each one of these areas among the Mujaheeden with one group under his leadership. They gave Zarqawi an Oath to set out the Islamic state of Caliphate in Falluja and from there they will spread it into the rest of Iraq and the region. They now try desperately to gather lot of youths and young people enthusiastic for that to join them. They also tried to get themselves extended well beyond that area to Baghdad and other regions.
Among them are many Saudi Wahabis and Syrian with other Arabs. Recently a body of a Palestinian has been left unburied after killed in Najaf city after the fighting finished!

A quick action needs to be taken to weaken the basis of the devils and then with the strike of the Newly Born Iraqi Special Death Squads and commandos the thugs will be destroyed completely. Just a warning need to be taken very seriously!
Please see also the previous post (related)

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