Bism Allah Alrahman Alrahem

The Flesh Eating Zombies

I was busy for the last 5 days and fortunately or may be unfortunately I haven't seen the attack of the 4 civilian Americans who have been attacked and their body mutilated by the indescribable stinky blood thirsty dirty devils in Fulojaha.

I read about it in the newspapers and felt so sick of this crime which has nothing to do with any Islam or any other religion or ethics. There is no simulation for it in the animal or insect species neither in the devilish species. It is worse than any thing in existence. That was my impression before I saw the pictures but when I saw the pictures of the corpses hanged on the bridge and some thugs dance around them and stone them, I really have no words to describe the thugs but it come to my mind that the same thugs are those who were involved in the mass graves and atrocities of all crimes. They have been trained for such things by Saddam and they lost their jobs as executioners and now they tried to practice it in public. They also practice stealing and robbery from any car passing through their region.

For those thugs you got the tape and the pictures so send the Special Forces among the Iraqi and coalition forces to Fulojaha and get them and put them into trial in an Iraqi court. Let the capital punishment be back. Every one know that infiltrator Wahabis used Fulojaha as a base, so surround it all and search every one and get them out for trials as terrorist Wahabis. Any one who provides them with shelter should be responsible and face the same fate. Government who allow its citizens and money to go there should be punished. Every one knows from where the Wahabis coming and what link they got with Fulojaha. The reconstruction in such areas should not be done until they cut the terrorist attacks and surrender the infiltrators.

Lastly we know that attacks will increase in the next few months which are a sign of death for the terrorist because they dug their graves for themselves.

Our deep sympathy and condolences is for the families of the victims and our hearts with them. The best reply to the thugs is we tell them that there is no give up from freedom and democracy and because they are the enemy of this they have no place in the civilized world at all!

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