Bism Allah Alrahman Alrahem

Release of detainees

Paul Bremer just announced the release of 506 detainees in the next few days. 100 of them will be released today. He said they are not among those whose hands blood stained! We hope this is true! He put conditions on their release which is to have a guarantor and to denounce terrorism. If they do terrorist acts they will be captured or killed by the coalition or Iraqi forces. He stressed the reward of 20 millions dollars for the head of Eizat Dori and other rewards for the list of other criminals. A list of them will be released tomorrow.

It seems to be that there is a deal! We hope PB is right in his decision and truthful when he said the released are not with blood stained hands.
Well, this may be a correct decision or may not be! It is the next few days or weeks which will reveal the positive or the negative effects. If there is a deal; can PB tell us what it is?

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