Bism Allah Alrahman Alrahem

From here and there

1. Jaish Insar Alsonah (Army of the advocator of Sunnah) announced that they went to Iraq not only to fight to get rid of the occupied infidels but also to fight for the sake of monotheism. They considered the Iraqis in the south and middle of Iraq (the Shiite) as traitors. It is not new for these people to consider the Shiite as non-monotheistic people.
2. An engineer in Cairo had been arrested just because he wrote (No to the bequest of the power)!
3. Dr Hareth Hassan a psychiatrist and a Professor in Baghdad University said that the number of psychopathic illnesses increased in Iraq due to Saddam speeches that have been broadcasted by Alarabyah, Al Jazeera & other TV stations. He added that frustrations, the lack of security and disappointment are other factors. He said that most of the people suffer from depressive illness which may convert into hostile behaviours if not treated.
4. Opening of the first Theatre Festival in Baghdad since the falling of Saddam regime. First time free since at least 35 years!
5. The GC has decided to expel all the members of Mujahdeen Khalq. MK is an armed anti-Iranian government opposition group used by Saddam as a card against Iran. It may haven been used against the Iraqis as well. It is considered as a terrorist organization by the US.

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