Time for changing the old rotten systems
People not anymore living in a wide spread continents. Everything changed in the world especially for the last 20 years. The only thing which remained same since the end of the WW-2 and the industrial revolution is the way the capitalism imposes its rotten way of life on the people. This of course includes the dictatorship that capitalism brought. Capitalism degraded the dignity of the human being by converting the people into machines working most of the time and then dies with no meaning for their life. Capitalism introduced competition systems which are not at all just. This makes people to grow and work in an environment of materialistic life that there is no place for their souls or the sprits so as they will vanish.
It is time for changes and one of the most important things to be changed is the way of the election in the Westerns countries and America. This is why most of the people in America are not happy about the way their governments and politicians leading them to. The people there discovered though very late that they were been misled by their government for many years. The elections that they do are nothing but rotation of powers between the two most dominant parties with their huge financially supported systems. Once someone takes on power their promises will vanish and they will collect people’s taxes to send it to kill the people in other regions such as in Iraq or Afghanistan or others. It also goes to other countries that they kill other people by the American tax money such as what is happening in Palestine and Lebanon.
The capitalism coffin is nailed and ready to be buried. It is shame that America is such a big country with huge resources while they got the largest number of poverty. The economy of the world is now crushed by the system of capitalism and the misleading promises with tax collection to go for wars.
Everybody should now ask the question about when the old election systems of rotation of power between only two or three parties will end? Is it not just to have a new system where there is more freedom and not just rotational change of power between two parties or three? The whole system needs to be scraped and a new way of election is needed. More than that the world needs moral values where will be justice, equality, responsibility, and higher aims for this life not just materialistic way. Islam is the alternative way that will take care of all of these issues and Allah promised that He will make it to role the earth at least when Imam Al-Mahdi will come and all the signs indicates that it will happen hopefully soon.
The approaching calamity on earth is looming
Few people in this time only knew the reality. The majority of them indulge fully with the materialistic life making their vision to be very limited and not even reaching behind the walls they live in. The world is awaiting a something colossal from heaven in a form of fire or stones or smoke or dust or combination of all these. It will happen when the people feels safe and strong enough to overcome any such an event. It come closer and closer the more the people become far from God (Allah). Its time is approaching closer and closer every day. When the oppression flourish, when the tyranny spread, when the evil became moral and the moral became wrong then expect the wrath of Allah. When the children humiliated their parents, when the rich not bother about the poor, when the real freedom of the mind and wisdom forgotten while the chains of the devil taken as the actual freedom, when the people follow their lusts and denied their innately, when the wrong become right and the right buried in the dust expect the wrath of heaven on Earth.
Allah said in the Holy Quran:
The similitude of the life of the world is only as water which We send down from the sky, then the earth's growth of that which men and cattle eat mingleth with it till, when the earth hath taken on her ornaments and is embellished, and her people deem that they are masters of her, Our commandment cometh by night or by day and We make it as reaped corn as if it had not flourished yesterday. Thus do we expound the revelations for people who reflect. (Holy Quran: 10:24)
We or may be the next generations on earth are certainly heading toward calamity. It is not necessarily Nibero in 2012 or a meteorite like the one which made the dinosaurs to be destroyed but may be sooner or may be a little bit later. No one knows but Allah. You will find this in the Holy Quran (44: 9-15)
But watch thou for the day when the sky will produce visible smoke. That will envelop the people. This will be a painful torment. (Then they will say): Our Lord relieve us of the torment. Lo! we are believers. How can there be remembrance for them, when a messenger making plain (the Truth) had already come unto them, And they had turned away from him and said: One taught (by others), a madman? Lo! We withdraw the torment a little. Lo! ye return (to disbelief). On the day when We shall seize them with the greater seizure, (then) in truth We shall punish.
And Allah said in the Holy Quran (55:35):
There will be sent, against you both, heat of fire and flash of brass, and ye will not escape.
Allah asked the people to believe in his messenger Prophet Mohammad who is the seal and the master of all prophets and to worship Allah. The worshiping of Allah is not only by prayers but to be in each aspect of their lives. The cornerstone is to do the Shahada which is to witness that there is no gods but Allah and prophet Mohammad is his messenger, then to do the prayers and all the moral aspects as much as you can. The reward is the Heaven on The Day of Judgment and opposite to this is the fire hell abides in it, no doubts. All what Allah want for the people is to live in peace and to make justice, equality, and moral values? Fear of Allah is the cornerstone of everything as He is with you all the time and with everything of His creatures. There is nothing distract Allah from another thing at all. The balance that Allah has created for us should be respected or the people shall face grave consequences now and thereafter. We know that this is not going to happen as most of the people will fail to respect Allah message to them and they will transgress until the day come when they will face the calamity which will happen prior to the Day of Al-Qiyama (the resurrection day) in a while for the hope they might return to their Lord. Alas the people will forget and they will stay on their sins and their arrogance for which Allah will bring the end for this life and raise all the people for the last judgment. In that day you will have nothing at all but your deeds, bad or good, and on the top of it your believe in Allah and his prophet Mohammad. If you pass the Shahada (witnessing that there is no god but Allah and Prophet Mohammad is his messenger) you will be in a better position because failing the first step on that Day will make all your acts after that void and you will expect your position in the fire.
And the Book is placed, and thou seest the guilty fearful of that which is therein, and they say: What kind of a Book is this that leaveth not a small thing nor a great thing but hath counted it! And they find all that they did confronting them, and thy Lord wrongeth no-one. (Holy Quran: 18: 49)
And We set a just balance for the Day of Resurrection so that no soul is wronged in aught. Though it be of the weight of a grain of mustard seed, We bring it. And We suffice for reckoners. (Holy Quran: 21:47)
O my dear son! Lo! though it be but the weight of a grain of mustard-seed, and though it be in a rock, or in the heavens, or in the earth, Allah will bring it forth. Lo! Allah is Subtile, Aware. (Holy Quran: 21:16)
Whoso desireth the life of the world and its pomp, We shall repay them their deeds herein, and therein they will not be wronged. Those are they for whom is naught in the Hereafter save the Fire. (All) that they contrive here is vain and (all) that they are wont to do is fruitless. (Holy Quran: 11: 15-16)
Beautified is the life of the world for those who disbelieve; they make a jest of the believers. But those who keep their duty to Allah will be above them on the Day of Resurrection. Allah giveth without stint to whom He will. (Holy Quran: 1:211)
And whoso becometh a renegade and dieth in his disbelief: such are they whose works have fallen both in the world and the Hereafter. Such are rightful owners of the Fire: they will abide therein. (Holy Quran: 2:217)
Imam Al-Mahdi time is becoming closer every day pass
Since the disintegration of the USSR (Soviet Union) and the first and second Gulf war’s America became the only super-power that can dictate its agenda and policies via the UN and its allies especially on the powerless and poor people. The American dictation is by power of the nuclear arms and sophisticated war machines. This happening by blood sheds killing, horrors, tyranny, and spreading of corruptions of all kinds which is opposite to the good values. However more recently the world saw new signs of evolving changes which indicate that the world is heading toward a new era and new powers. On the other hand the lack of the moral values and the inequity with the imperialistic thinking of the American policies making it difficult for America to achieve victory in any one of its wars. More than that is the American empire like any other empires and superpowers in history is declining. The economic decline is so evident and the moral decline is more than evident and both of these causes are considered to be one of the major causes for the decline of the previous powers such as the Roman and the Chinese empires. America failed in its war in Iraq and Afghanistan if we consider the gains against the loses. It is extremely difficult for the American to engage in any other war on the same scale now unless they will gamble about their final decline from inside due to financial problems that the American people haven’t experienced before and they will not tolerate any farther wars leading to more poverty and more cuts and taxes. Not to mention here more deaths, injuries, and psychological trauma. America is declining and more and more people in the West and America are now rejecting their governments’ policies in wars, dictatorships, taxes, cuts, arrogances, lack of moralism, and all other aspects of capitalism. In fact capitalism like socialism or even worse put the power of money in the hands of small groups and companies and turning the rest of the people into tools working from mornings till evenings and put them under constant scrutiny let alone silencing them. In capitalism there is no real democracy contrary to the general believe of some people. It is only counterfeit democracy. World has nothing in the middle between capitalism and socialism but Islam. In Islam there are moral values as the basis for the Islamic doctrine and not less than that equality between people irrespective of anything. Islamic doctrine if applied on the world correctly it will solve all the problems in less than a month. It will end all the suffering of the people and clear out the poverty from the earth. Those who believe it will not allow people to become rich are wrong. Islam allows people to be as rich as they can but on the same time not to allow poverty to happen. It will end all the suffering of the people and reduce all kinds of problems be it social, personal, marital, moral, psychological, and others into near to zero.
The master of all Prophets and the mankind Prophet Mohammad (peace be up on him) told us that there will be a time when the moral values get less, the oppression prevails, the corruption spreads, and the people all over the earth will ask about justice and better life. He (peace be up on him) said:
Allah will bring out from concealment al-Mahdi from my family and just before the day of Judgment; even if only one day were to remain in the life of the world, and he will spread on this earth justice and equity and will eradicate tyranny and oppression. (Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Vol. 1, P. 99)
Even if only a day remains for Qiyamah to come, yet Allah will surely send a man from my family who will fill this world with such justice and fairness, just as it initially was filled with oppression. (Abu Dawood)
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) also said that people from the East (Iran now) will prepare the way for Imam Al-Mahdi coming. Of course he will be supported by Allah and by the Angles and the Jinns. Iran is now turning the equation in the Middle East which is the most important area in the world in view of its oil supply. It is soon when Iran will have the ability to make nuclear weapons if not having them by now. Once Iran achieving this, soon it will emerge as a superpower first in the region of the Middle East and seconds in the whole region of Asia then the world. Iran with its abilities, persevering, and control of the most strategic area in the Gulf, is preparing the way soon. Israel will not be able to attack Iran without risking its final day of existence now. On the other hand America will have no choice but to bow to the request of Iran soon and that will make America less powerful than Iran and make Iran to emerge as the first superpower on earth. It is the signs on the appearance of Imam-Al-Mahdi so soon. There is no need to say when Imam Al-Mahdi appears the Angles and Jinns who fight under his leadership will destroy all tyrants on the earth without exception. They will be faster that light, invisible, and have the power to drill the earth from end to end. No one can see or listen or expect them while they can see and finish every single one or group irrespective of the numbers or arms carried.
Imam Al-Mahdi will crush all tyrants and save the oppressors and poor people. This is what Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) told us and this is what will happen so soon insha-Allah.
America should compensate Iraq for war damages
The American direct damages in Iraq goes back to 1991 Gulf war. However America and the West especially Britain involvement were back to the war between Iran and Iraq when they supported Saddam Hussein as well as Iran to attack each other. The support was by weapons, information, and other means. If we forget about the war between Iraq and Iran there are a lot of documented evidence about the US and its ally’s direct involvement in using different weapons to kill millions of Iraqis since 1991. Some of the weapons used were weapons of mass destructions such as depleted uranium both in 1991 and 2003. The destruction resulted in mass damages to the Iraqi infra-structures were in both wars unnecessary because it was attacking civilians facilities such as baby milks factories, bridges far from war, schools, universities, buildings, shelters in which many children killed such as Al-Amriyah shelter, and many others.
Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis were killed in both wars and the majority of them were innocent civilians not in war. Some of them were killed while they are worshiping in mosques and the entire world saw the pictures of the American solders killing them in Falouja mosques. Not to mention tortures, abuses, and inhumane treatment for Iraqis arrested by the American and British troops. Some of these scandals leaked about Abo-Ghreeb and about Basrah prisons however the majority remained under cover. Of course the main judgment of those who did these crimes and the other barbaric actions will be done by Allah on the Day of Judgment where the punishment will be so grave. Allah’s judgment will not only about those who perpetrated the crimes even if it is so little the size of a mustard seed but it will include those who bear the responsibility of the war and those who know it and either kept silent or cover it. That day will not be far from you as you may see it so far but in fact it is only the time you live then you will see that day. It is like when you sleep for 8 hours and wake up to feel that these 8 hours like a moment; same for the Day of Judgment you die the resurrected to face your deeds and after which you feel like it is a day or less that you slept in your death.
America and anyone who waged the war against Iraq should compensate the Iraqis for all the damages. These damages according to Allah judgment will not only include materialistic losses and lives but any emotional and psychological damages or other consequences such as forcing the Iraqis to live outside their country. No tiniest doubt that these will be calculated and all those who done it or helped to do it or accepted it or even those who read this article and do not agree with its contents will face just judgment and punishment on the Day of Judgment by Allah. However if America and Britain and others who caused the suffering of the Iraqis in these wars pay compensations to all these damages including the psychological damages the punishment in the Day of Judgment will be less. Otherwise it will be grave punishment and each one of them will wish to return back to this life to deny the war and compensate the Iraqis. Allah will delay but never ignore. He is the most just and the most wise. He will only forgive those who correctly repent.
During the 1991 war America and other 32 countries attacked Iraq with more than 100,000 air strikes in 42 days. They used more than 88,500 tons of weapons which are 8 times the attack on Hiroshima. More than 200,000 Iraqis were killed. The war then followed by the most barbaric sanction in the history of mankind which resulted in killing at least 1.5 million Iraqis most of them children. The victims in Iraq since 1990 until now is more than 8 million Iraqi between dead, injured, orphans, widowed, or living in exiles due to the wars and the sanction. The rest of Iraqis are also victims of wars due to lack of electricity, security, water, sanitations, and other basic services including health. Add to that and after 1991 war the UN (basically the USA) cut part of the Iraqi border to give it to Kuwait which including oil fields in addition to the 50 billion dollars as compensation that Kuwait takes as a direct percentage from the sale of the Iraqi oils.
The damages that America, Britain, and the West done in Iraq are huge that no one is able to count but Allah. Therefore it is only Allah will be able to take the rights of the oppressed from the oppressors.
الله اكبر ولاحول ولاقوة الا بالله العلي العظيم قاصم الجبارين نكال المتكبرين الذي يقتص من المستهترين والعصاة والظالمين